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Mafia Game 2


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Yeah. XD


Hikarusa (7): Bizz, Fimbulvetr, Fireman, Noremac, Ocelot the Viper, Zephrion, Doom103

TLS (3): Meta Kirby, Lyle Dayek, Hikarusa

No Lynch (2): Freohr Datia, Epona64

Edited by Desdemona
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But she's a lurker.

And she's busy with a writing project of hers

Lurker makes me think of wet...

Oh, also, I would like to change my vote-##Vote: Hika

If I can count to ten as well as I think I can, I do belive that's eight votes.

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So we have the deadline amount of votes.


Hikarusa (8): Bizz, Fimbulvetr, Fireman, Noremac, Ocelot the Viper, Zephrion, Doom103, Epona64

TLS (3): Meta Kirby, Lyle Dayek, Hikarusa

No Lynch (1): Freohr Datia

Edited by Desdemona
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##Vote: Hika

Fireman, you have no proof

Also, I have proof Hika is mafia.

I just do.

Proof, eh? Proof doesn't exist in this game unless someone in the mafia, Nightmare, Cym, or Des were to tell you which would to be against the rules. I'm not going to confirm or deny me being in the mafia though. Because of you say that you're not in the mafia then no one will trust you. If you say you are in the mafia everyone will believe you. If you trust someone, anyone, then they could turn around and betray your trust extremely easily. You see, trusting this "proof" could easily turn around and hurt you later, but not trusting it could hurt you as well. Which way do you go? Do you trust the proof or the person? Obviously you illogically trusted the so called "proof". Now please tell me, where did this false proof come from? As the proof obviously is fake unless someone decided to disobey the rules... or has a role to tell who is what. Although, it is always possible that the person who gave you this proof has a role to trick you into thinking it is proof. So now that you have read this paragraph Bizz my dear, what would you say about this proof.

I'm totally not just trying to be annoying.

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Proof, eh? Proof doesn't exist in this game unless someone in the mafia, Nightmare, Cym, or Des were to tell you which would to be against the rules. I'm not going to confirm or deny me being in the mafia though. Because of you say that you're not in the mafia then no one will trust you. If you say you are in the mafia everyone will believe you. If you trust someone, anyone, then they could turn around and betray your trust extremely easily. You see, trusting this "proof" could easily turn around and hurt you later, but not trusting it could hurt you as well. Which way do you go? Do you trust the proof or the person? Obviously you illogically trusted the so called "proof". Now please tell me, where did this false proof come from? As the proof obviously is fake unless someone decided to disobey the rules... or has a role to tell who is what. Although, it is always possible that the person who gave you this proof has a role to trick you into thinking it is proof. So now that you have read this paragraph Bizz my dear, what would you say about this proof.

I'm totally not just trying to be annoying.

I'm saying that people will see when/if you're lynched

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I'm saying that people will see when/if you're lynched

Ah but you said that you have proof. To have proof you need to know it and not wait to see if the proof was correct, because proof is correct 100% of the time.

Also people who think that I'm overanalyzing this and that it's a game well so is Fire Emblem so there.

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Proof, eh? Proof doesn't exist in this game unless someone in the mafia, Nightmare, Cym, or Des were to tell you which would to be against the rules. I'm not going to confirm or deny me being in the mafia though. Because of you say that you're not in the mafia then no one will trust you. If you say you are in the mafia everyone will believe you. If you trust someone, anyone, then they could turn around and betray your trust extremely easily. You see, trusting this "proof" could easily turn around and hurt you later, but not trusting it could hurt you as well. Which way do you go? Do you trust the proof or the person? Obviously you illogically trusted the so called "proof". Now please tell me, where did this false proof come from? As the proof obviously is fake unless someone decided to disobey the rules... or has a role to tell who is what. Although, it is always possible that the person who gave you this proof has a role to trick you into thinking it is proof. So now that you have read this paragraph Bizz my dear, what would you say about this proof.

I'm totally not just trying to be annoying.


@Lyle: Me too, he just doesn't care. (That makes no grammatical sense, I know)

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I think Hika being mafia is still 50/50.

Hika's the kind of guy who will say he's mafia just to screw people up. Even if it means him being killed.

We'll know soon now..

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We'll know soon now..
Ah yes!!

##Vote: Bizz Changing, she's a little suspicious to me....

Not anymore. "It takes 11 to lynch, 8 at the deadline! You have 48 hours left."

To get lynched instantly I need to have 11 votes. If after 48 hours of the lynch voting beginning I had 8 then I would have been lynched. Why thank you FEFL, perhaps when I take over the world IRL you can have a position of power, the game has just begun and I don't plan on being the first out.

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Hm. Bizz=Mafia? That makes sense.

I was thinking: Maybe Bizz knows that Hika isn't mafia. In theory, if she was mafia, she'd know. So, if Hika isn't mafia, she'd know, and she would be convinced that if she could get enough people to lynch hika, that she can avoid her fellow mafia members from being killed, and she can kill off an extra citizen.

That of course assuming that Bizz is mafia, and Hika is not.

At the very least, I'm sure that Hika and Bizz are not on the same side.

(I've been watching a lot of Deathnote recently.)

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Not anymore. "It takes 11 to lynch, 8 at the deadline! You have 48 hours left."

To get lynched instantly I need to have 11 votes. If after 48 hours of the lynch voting beginning I had 8 then I would have been lynched. Why thank you FEFL, perhaps when I take over the world IRL you can have a position of power, the game has just begun and I don't plan on being the first out.

XD, no problem, Bizz is always covering some super secret spot though...plus seeming as some people got pretty upset about the Fim thing, I'd say she's in a position of power too...

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