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I'm a little late for this, but...


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So I joined this forum a few months ago, to get some help with a modding issue I was having. But now that I'm working on a full-fledged project of my own, I figured it was probably a good idea to introduce myself, since no doubt I will be needing a /lot/ more help with issues. So here I am, and here you are. Hi. Ask me anything you want in the comments and I will get back to you!

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It's normally a good idea to tell us about yourself to begin with, but I'll start with a few questions:

What brought you into FE?

Who's your favorite character?

What are you working on at the moment?

Where do you live?

Salutations, Zdravo, Olleh, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!

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It's normally a good idea to tell us about yourself to begin with, but I'll start with a few questions:

What brought you into FE?

Who's your favorite character?

What are you working on at the moment?

Where do you live?

Salutations, Zdravo, Olleh, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!

I was't sure what people wanted to know, so I figured you guys could just ask, and it seems that worked!

First question: I played my first fire emblem game (Radiant Dawn) when I was 10 or so, and absolutely loved it. I didn't even know it was a series until a few years ago, and I've been super into all of the games since then.

Second question: My favorite character in my favorite game of the series (radiant dawn) would probably be Zelgius. But for the series as a whole, it's gotta be Hector.

Third question: I'm working on a short (four chapters or so) hack for Blazing Sword, which will be focused around a small group of bandits.

Thanks for your questions!

Welcome to the Forest, Pandru!

I don't have any questions. Good luck on your project!

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

Thank you!

Welcome to the forums, Pandru!

As for a question, could you explain the context of your avatar?

A friend of mine recently got into streaming, and he decided to stream a randomized version of Pokemon Ruby. His starters were Aggron, Nincada, and Farfetched. I started a poll, and Farfetched won. So he choose him. He decided to name him Leek, the vegetable samurai. He got incredibly strong very quickly, but unfortunately was killed at the first gym. My profile picture is in remembrance of our fallen hero, with a christmas twist to it because it was christmas when it was made.

*removes hat and holds it over heart*

RIP Leek, 2015-2015, gone but never forgotten.

Nice to meet you. Welcome aboard

Thanks for the welcome!

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