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Feeling a Little Burned Out


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About a month ago I resumed playing Alpha Sapphire, and it was not until I booted up my save and resumed my playtrough in the Aqua Base with my Sceptile Absol Zangoose Gardevoir and Swellow (there was one other but can't remember atm) that I realized that I have not touched or done anything to do with pokemon for months.

When I tried to play it, everything that should feel familiar felt so foreign, like as if I never played pokemon before in my life, which is further from the truth, but I just simply could not get into the game.

I have heard stories of pokemon fans where they have been fans since the beginning and their stories would be like "I took a break during x generation and I resumed during y generation". The past year or so has been an experimental time for me when it comes to games, with me mainly playing PC, PS4 and JRPGs.

So I've been wondering, has anyone experienced this sort of burnout with pokemon in the past? Is it simply a phase and I'll get back into it in time? Or have I simply lost interest?

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I find it's the same with FE lately, a new game comes out and I'm literally obsessed with it and it's like all I play for MONTHS ((by this I mean the series. I can get into old games when the new ones are out)) and then I slowly go cold and just don't play the series at all until something new is out.

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I've honestly never burned out of Pokemon even though I've played since the beginning. But I'm fully aware that it can happen with anything. When I was young, I lived and breathed Pokemon (still do) so I couldn't get tired of it but since I'm an adult now, I purposely only play a generation only once and that is because I love the series. (By once a generation I mean for gen VI, I played X and Alpha Sapphire.) Like ugh, I'm terrible at explaining. I don't play it once out of obligation but because I want to romanticize my one play through and as a result, it's very slow and thorough.

The closest I have ever come to burning out is doing an N challenge for Alpha Sapphire and then stopped halfway through. At some point I picked it up again and couldn't get back into it, and I repeated this process until I just dropped the N challenge and beat the game again normally, albeit, a little halfheartedly. I should have just stuck with my one playthrough a generation. xD I say give it time and don't force it.

I've been tired of FE for a few months now and I'm not like this with any series other than Pokemon (okay and Hakuouki).

Edited by Hatsuoki
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I wasn't burned out, but I did take a break from Pokemon for about a year and a half to focus on college (missed out on Diancie and Hoopa as a result), and I'm in a similar position. I'm still trying to relearn everything I've forgotten, even had to ask for help in making a AS team. To actually answer your question, I'd say just give yourself some time to readjust and definitely don't force it, that'll just exacerbate things.

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About a month ago I resumed playing Alpha Sapphire, and it was not until I booted up my save and resumed my playtrough in the Aqua Base with my Sceptile Absol Zangoose Gardevoir and Swellow (there was one other but can't remember atm) that I realized that I have not touched or done anything to do with pokemon for months.

When I tried to play it, everything that should feel familiar felt so foreign, like as if I never played pokemon before in my life, which is further from the truth, but I just simply could not get into the game.

I have heard stories of pokemon fans where they have been fans since the beginning and their stories would be like "I took a break during x generation and I resumed during y generation". The past year or so has been an experimental time for me when it comes to games, with me mainly playing PC, PS4 and JRPGs.

So I've been wondering, has anyone experienced this sort of burnout with pokemon in the past? Is it simply a phase and I'll get back into it in time? Or have I simply lost interest?

Well, the Multi Exp in Gen VI just kill all challenge, so I haven't touched Omega Ruby since...

Holy Meganium! A year already! (or close to it). Welp... Too many games to play first and no true desire to return to it.

I also had some mid-Pokelife crisis with gen IV. I thought the game wasn't for me anymore since I was growing up,a dn the game still catered to younger audience.

Then Gen V arrived and restore all my faith and then some. (and HGSS in between who ws damn great.)

I'll probably be hyped as hell once again at the next game addition.

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