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Favorite Pair of Retainers


Favorite Pair of Retainers  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. Nohrian Retainers

    • Laslow and Peri
    • Selena and Beruka
    • Niles and Odin
    • Effie and Arthur
  2. 2. Hoshidan Retainers

    • Saizo and Kagero
    • Setsuna and Azama
    • Hinata and Oboro
    • Hana and Subaki

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I've seen people rank the siblings before, but I don't think I've seen people rate the pairs of their retainers. I'm actually really curious as to who the most popular of them are.

I haven't played Fates or spoiled myself enough to decide, but if I were to guess what they might end up being based off what I currently know I'd say for Nohr my favorites would be Niles and Odin and for Hoshido my favorites would be either Hana and Tsubaki or Hinata and Oboro. I'm not quite sure how to explain why because I'm much less spoiled on them than the siblings themselves.

Even though I'm not really spoiled, feel free to discuss support convos and the like about them for your reasoning if you do explain your reasoning. I won't read now but I'd love to go through later.

Edited by ladyfoster
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I don't like Odin and I hate Peri. While Effie can be boring, she's a monster of usefulness. Arthur is just a riot, love the guy. They get my vote.

I like Saizo but Kagero doesn't stand out much to me. Setsuna is dull and Azama is an odd one that I can't fully understand. It's a tough one, but I choose team Takumi.

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I like the dynamic between Hinata and Oboro, as well as the one they have with their prince, they have a nice relationship going on and both are likeable characters. I enjoyed Hana and Subaki's bickering but overall Takumi's retainers stand out a lot more to me when reading supports here and there.

On the Nohr side I had a bit more trouble picking between Selena/Beruka, Niles/Odin and Effie Arthur. Selena and Beruka because I love them individually, but I think that as a team they don't really catch my attention. Niles/Odin are really comedic plus Niles backstory with Leo is pretty solid.

But in the end I picked Effie and Arthur because they are just hilarious and adorable.

Edited by soranauta
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Niles and Odin for obvious reasons.

And then Setsuna and Azama for being extremely hilarious and also extremely useless from a gameplay perspective since Takumi and Sakura exists, which for some reason, makes me like them more.

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Odin and Niles for Nohr because they are so devoted to him and from what I can tell, Niles tries to hit on him a lot, could be wrong though.

Hinata and Oboro for Hoshido because they are super loyal to Takumi and Oboro is like super obsessed with him (Takumi) and Hinata just goes along with it.

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Niles and Odin for Nohr because I always seem to like the thief/shady characters and I liked Owain in Awakening. Then Beruka and Selena because of the same reasons pretty much. Next are Effie and Arthur, really just Effie because I'm not a fan of Arthur. And last Laslow and Pieri because while I didn't dislike Inigo he wasn't one of my favourites, and Pieri is just awful.

For Hoshido, Oboro and Hinata, they seem fun and I like Lance fighters. Then Hana and Tsubaki, because male Pegasus rider! And Hana reminds me of Mia who's pretty cool. Then Saizou and Kagerou because ninjas, but I feel like they make a less strong first impression. And last Setsuna and Azama because from what I've read about them I doubt either of them will be interesting.

Individually I would rank them:

Oboro, Niles, Hinata, Tsubaki, Beruka, Selena, Odin, Effie, Kagerou, Saizou, Hana, Laslow, Setsuna, Azama, Arthur, Pieri

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In this order:

1. Laz & Pieri

2. Hinata & Oboro

3. Luna & Belka

4. Saizou & Kagerou

5. Setsuna & Asama

6. Elfie & Harold

7. Kazahana & Tsubaki

8. Odin & Zero


1. Lazward is my favourite character in the entire game and I think his relationship with Marx is really endearing, so my pick is a little biased. I don't really like Pieri though.

2. Same situation for Lazward and Pieri: I don't like Hinata much (there are times I forget he exists lmao), but I really like Oboro.

3. Luna has developed a lot since Awakening and Belka is interesting in her own merits. I also like the relationship between the two.

4. Beach DLC. That's all I have to say.

5. These two mesh together really well and their interactions are funny.

6. Elfie is so dull and her relationship with Elise isn't anything worth noting. Harold is this pair's only saving grace, imo.

7. I don't have much to say about these two. They exist, I guess?

8. I hate Zero and Odin's theatrics are annoying. I feel bad for Leon. If I had retainers like these two, I'd be bald within a week.

Edited by Matt-hue
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Niles and Odin for Nohr and Azama and Setsuna for Hoshido. Basing this on what I've seen from the English version of Fates so far. Picked Azama and Setsuna mostly because I really like Setsuna's personality and her victory quotes are amusing.

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Niles and Odin, no contest. I love how they contrast their master's cold mannerism. Also Odin. Also Niles. Those two are some of my favorite characters ever.

For Hosh I'm partial Saizo and Kagero. I like their overly serious mannerism, it makes me think of all of the shenanigans that go on when Ryoma is doing something completely mundane like going into a market to buy something and those two are freaking out trying to keep Ryoma "safe". I also like their ex-lovers dynamic.

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