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Best Buy Fates Horror Story with a Silver Lining


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So where do I begin with this story? Well I pre-ordered a special edition of Fire Emblem Fates on November 12th and even recently (on January 31st) verified with a Best Buy representative that the order was good to go. Only to find out today that it got delayed indefinitely and they could not process my order. Aka they overestimated their stock and despite me paying and ordering I'm not getting the special edition because of yet another epic Best Buy screw up.

The best part is when I tried to change the shipping option they couldn't process my payment in spite of having a perfectly healthy bank account and what have you. So I was given the option to revise the payment option in 24 hours and risk it being indefinitely delayed again or they would cancel my order. So I said screw it.

Fortunately, I was able to get a refund and I bought a physical version of both games (so I have some nice boxart anyway and six save files not as great as nine but beggers can't be choosers). I know I could have just gotten the second at a discounted price but being the FE fan/game collector I'am I like having physical copies. Also for anyone else wondering or in a similar situation whatever DLC you buy through Dragon's Gate (I downloaded the 1st map pack to verify) on one version DOES work on the other physical version of the game without having to pay for it a second time.

For example, if you pay for and download DLC for your physical Nohr cart you DO NOT have to pay for it again to be able to play it on your physical Hoshido cart. So that is a major silver lining and I'm glad Nintendo thought of this. The only downsides are that if you want to play Revelations you have to pay for it and wait until March 10th or whenever its being released. However, given that dragon's gate DLC works on both physical versions once you pay for it once I would hope the same would be said for the third path although I might have to stick with it being playable on one cart since its being treated as a separate game in itself (which sucks because of the three save file limit per cart) Oh and if you want to play another side's story you have to switch carts but I guess that's a given.

Either way bad experience I'm not pre-ordering through Best Buy again. If I can bum a copy of the art book I might but I won't hold my breath.

I hope no else has this unfortunate run in of events but in case you do and have questions about having two physical carts and dlc and so on feel free to ask even though there's only one pack out right now.

Edited by LordTaco42
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