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Chapter Help Thread!


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I've seen multiple threads popping up asking for help on specific chapters. I think confining them to one big thread is probably a better idea than making a bunch of new threads whenever someone needs help.

So if anyone needs help with a specific chapter just make a post with the chapter number, difficulty, classic or casual, and for later levels what your team looks like.

Good luck and I hope you beat your chapters quickly~!

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I'm stuck on Nohr's endgame. I don't know how to avoid getting World's Evils'd without a rescue staff or move forward enough in time to get swamped by all those Faceless.

My team is all level 20 except for Selena and Percy.

Avatar - Darkblood

Benny - General

Elise - Strategist
Leo - Dark Knight

Xander - Paladin

Effie - General

Ignis - General

Camilla - Wyvern Lord (changed her at level 6)

Niles - Bow Knight

Percy - Wyvern Lord (not level 20, pair up mule)

Laslow - Hero
Silas - Paladin

Forrest - Strategist

Flannel - Wolfssenger

Velouria - Wolfssenger
Selena - Hero (not level 20, pair up mule)

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I'm stuck on Nohr's endgame. I don't know how to avoid getting World's Evils'd without a rescue staff or move forward enough in time to get swamped by all those Faceless.

My team is all level 20 except for Selena and Percy.

Avatar - Darkblood

Benny - General

Elise - Strategist

Leo - Dark Knight

Xander - Paladin

Effie - General

Ignis - General

Camilla - Wyvern Lord (changed her at level 6)

Niles - Bow Knight

Percy - Wyvern Lord (not level 20, pair up mule)

Laslow - Hero

Silas - Paladin

Forrest - Strategist

Flannel - Wolfssenger

Velouria - Wolfssenger

Selena - Hero (not level 20, pair up mule)

How many uses of Vanished Disaster do you have?

Does Niles have Pass? Or do you have a Boots?

If you have 2 uses of Vanished Disaster and Niles has either Pass or Boots, you can try this:

1.Reclass Selena to Bow Knight, pair her with a boss killer. Selena charges the shield to 60% or more in first 3 turns..

2.Pair Niles with Avatar.

3.Some units tank left-side Heroes. You have many tanks so it should be easy.

4.Some units tank right-side Onmyojis. Maybe Leo, Forrest and Benny.

5.Somebody enter the range of the enemy General at turn 2. Maybe a General/Wyvern Lord with Hammer.

6.Even a Lv1 Azura can be helpful.

7.If you cannot beat an enemy from safe positions, use Freeze/Draw on him.

By the end of turn 3, some units should be here:


When turn 4 comes:

1. 16 is a Maid, beat her to open the path.

2. Elise and Forrest go as far as possible, and use Vanished Disaster on Selena&Niles.

3. Niles brings Avater to the boss, Yato*2.

4. Selena bring the boss killer to the boss, Brave/Might weapon or Lightning*4 and beat the boss.

Who can be a boss killer?

1. faster enough to double the boss. (Selena offers +3 Spd or more, Avater will debuff the boss with Draconic Hex, so it is not too hard.)

2. can use Brave/Might weapon (A-rank) or Lightning(C-rank).

3. a mounted unit if he uses sword/lance/axe, because Selena needs 9 movement to reach the boss. Otherwise Selena needs a Boot.

4. high enough Str or Mag, of course. 1 of the 4 attacks will be guard by the bosses' shield, so you have only 3 hits.

5. Selena has charge the shield to 60%+, and the first 2 attacks will full-charge it, so the defense doesn't matter.

Silas or Camilla seem to be good choice for you. Silas should have at least B-rank on swords so Arms Scroll will make it work.

Edited by Tooru
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Chapter 8 lunatic boss

Best way to kill him? I have all units atm except Arthur and mazu or mazo or whatever he name is

I should have specified conquest just in case

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Chapter 8 lunatic boss

Best way to kill him? I have all units atm except Arthur and mazu or mazo or whatever he name is

I should have specified conquest just in case

I got the boss as close to 50% health as I could and then attacked with my hardest hitters in attack stance. Not super useful, but that's what I did. Niles is a good unit to start the attack with due to high res.

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Can I just mention how unpleasant Birthright Chapter 10 is on Hard? Like, it isn't even hard to figure out a strategy, it's just beyond annoying how you're almost exclusively fighting Ninja's and the only way to proceed is to basically crawl your way to the boss

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Can I just mention how unpleasant Birthright Chapter 10 is on Hard? Like, it isn't even hard to figure out a strategy, it's just beyond annoying how you're almost exclusively fighting Ninja's and the only way to proceed is to basically crawl your way to the boss

That's why I typically use that style of play, because it's the only one I know that works in most battles. lol I mean going more defensive than offensive and letting the enemy come to me instead of the other way around. So I can just pick 'em off one by one.

Chapter 11 is probably even more brutal though, I actually found that many of my units couldn't do any damage to those damned wyverns. I had to rely on Takumi and Reina nearly the whole time. Both of them one-shot anything there because it's all fliers. And I'm on Normal mode, yo. I start on the easiest mode for every new FE because I'm unfamiliar with a brand new game. :P

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Chapter 8 lunatic boss

Best way to kill him? I have all units atm except Arthur and mazu or mazo or whatever he name is

I should have specified conquest just in case

Probably Paladin!Jakob or Silas.

BF is stuck on Conquest Chapter 10, Normal / Classic. Should he be trying to get to every single house, or is he needlessly shredding his sanity? Thanks! :)

Visit the houses early before enemies become overwhelming.

Can I just mention how unpleasant Birthright Chapter 10 is on Hard? Like, it isn't even hard to figure out a strategy, it's just beyond annoying how you're almost exclusively fighting Ninja's and the only way to proceed is to basically crawl your way to the boss

Ninja!Corrin, or GK!Jakob, or earlypromoted Kaze/Silas make things a lot easier.

Edited by XeKr
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BF is stuck on Conquest Chapter 10, Normal / Classic. Should he be trying to get to every single house, or is he needlessly shredding his sanity? Thanks! :)

Bottom left isn't worth it, bottom right has a dracoshield and it's easiest to get with Camilla, though I ended up skipping it in the interest of actually surviving. It may or may not be worth it depending on how the map plays out.

Edited by DavidSW
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How many uses of Vanished Disaster do you have?

Does Niles have Pass? Or do you have a Boots?

If you have 2 uses of Vanished Disaster and Niles has either Pass or Boots, you can try this:

1.Reclass Selena to Bow Knight, pair her with a boss killer. Selena charges the shield to 60% or more in first 3 turns..

2.Pair Niles with Avatar.

3.Some units tank left-side Heroes. You have many tanks so it should be easy.

4.Some units tank right-side Onmyojis. Maybe Leo, Forrest and Benny.

5.Somebody enter the range of the enemy General at turn 2. Maybe a General/Wyvern Lord with Hammer.

6.Even a Lv1 Azura can be helpful.

7.If you cannot beat an enemy from safe positions, use Freeze/Draw on him.

By the end of turn 3, some units should be here:


When turn 4 comes:

1. 16 is a Maid, beat her to open the path.

2. Elise and Forrest go as far as possible, and use Vanished Disaster on Selena&Niles.

3. Niles brings Avater to the boss, Yato*2.

4. Selena bring the boss killer to the boss, Brave/Might weapon or Lightning*4 and beat the boss.

Who can be a boss killer?

1. faster enough to double the boss. (Selena offers +3 Spd or more, Avater will debuff the boss with Draconic Hex, so it is not too hard.)

2. can use Brave/Might weapon (A-rank) or Lightning(C-rank).

3. a mounted unit if he uses sword/lance/axe, because Selena needs 9 movement to reach the boss. Otherwise Selena needs a Boot.

4. high enough Str or Mag, of course. 1 of the 4 attacks will be guard by the bosses' shield, so you have only 3 hits.

5. Selena has charge the shield to 60%+, and the first 2 attacks will full-charge it, so the defense doesn't matter.

Silas or Camilla seem to be good choice for you. Silas should have at least B-rank on swords so Arms Scroll will make it work.

That's very sound, I'll try all of this. I don't have a rescue staff/Vanished Disaster, so what do I do instead? I can give Niles boots, as I have two of them lying around. Is there any way to get another Vanished Disaster after you've used it up?

Edited by Phantasmagoric
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That's very sound, I'll try all of this. I don't have a rescue staff/Vanished Disaster, so I'll have to use boots on Niles.

I meant if Niles doesn't have Pass, he will need boots.

If you don't have rescue, that tactics cannot work and you have to use more turns to go further...

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I meant if Niles doesn't have Pass, he will need boots.

If you don't have rescue, that tactics cannot work and you have to use more turns to go further...

Damnit. See, everyone seems to be using the rescue staff, which is why I am stuck here. I don't have one and am not sure how to proceed.

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That's why I typically use that style of play, because it's the only one I know that works in most battles. lol I mean going more defensive than offensive and letting the enemy come to me instead of the other way around. So I can just pick 'em off one by one.

Chapter 11 is probably even more brutal though, I actually found that many of my units couldn't do any damage to those damned wyverns. I had to rely on Takumi and Reina nearly the whole time. Both of them one-shot anything there because it's all fliers. And I'm on Normal mode, yo. I start on the easiest mode for every new FE because I'm unfamiliar with a brand new game. :P

I'm gonna be honest, Fates in general is quite a bit harder than I thought. Given that I have 5 shifts of work this week and college, I'm here to confess that I switched down to Normal/Classic. Chapter 12 is probably a lot harder when Xander and co actually move

Edited by Avalanche
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I'm completely stuck on Conquest Hard Classic Chapter 10.... I forgot to give Silas a Javelin and he hasn't had any strength level ups. I also chose to feed Odin kills in Mozu's paralogue, so I'm missing an archer.... Should I just start over or maybe turn it down to Normal Classic? I feel so lame because I started off feeling good on Lunatic until Chapter 8 destroyed me.

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So, I'm playing Conquest on Hard/Classic, and in keeping with the classic spirit Conquest is intended to evoke, I'm avoiding reclassing and promoting before twenty.

To that end, the (in)famous Chapter 10, Unhappy Reunion. (Cue the ominous thunder)

I've had one successful run, but I lost Niles, Arthur and Mozu in the process, so I saved to a different file as a last-resort backup and am trying determinedly to get a no-death run.

I can actually get through the first six turns just fine;

  • Effie (Paired up with her future husband, Silas) holds the choke point the center wall starts with
  • Niles mans the turret, getting twice the amount of shots off with help from Azura (And prioritizing the Peg. Knights because FUCK)
  • Odin mans the Fire Orb, softening up the Oni in the West for Beruka
  • Felicia makes a bee line for the Northwest house
  • Mikey (My Corrin, Speed Boon/Res Bane) heads East, followed at first by Mozu (Level 5, Villager). Mozu pokes one archer, tag-teams the other with Mikey, then tag-teams the other on the next turn before pulling out to pop a Vulnerary and get back to the green zone
  • Mikey and Selena then pair up and wait just outside the range of the next two archers, with Selena killing the closest one once they get in range. If I'm lucky, the surviving one will miss Selena on the Enemy Phase, but either way she lives to murder him.
  • Felicia trades Beruka a Hand Axe and pairs up with her
  • Camilla blocks the second choke point that the enemies have either broken down or are close to breaking down in the center wall by the point

This setup has consistently worked out all fine and dandy for me, but then Turn 7 hits, Takumi pulls the plug out of the tub and great googly moogly, it all goes to shit! I either lose someone or someone (Usually a Pegasus Knight, fuck those guys) slips past me into the green zone. The furthest I've gotten without losing anyone is Turn 10. What can I do? (Preferably without exiting back to My Castle to re-supply or lower the difficulty.)

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So, I'm playing Conquest on Hard/Classic, and in keeping with the classic spirit Conquest is intended to evoke, I'm avoiding reclassing and promoting before twenty.

To that end, the (in)famous Chapter 10, Unhappy Reunion. (Cue the ominous thunder)

I've had one successful run, but I lost Niles, Arthur and Mozu in the process, so I saved to a different file as a last-resort backup and am trying determinedly to get a no-death run.

I can actually get through the first six turns just fine;

  • Effie (Paired up with her future husband, Silas) holds the choke point the center wall starts with
  • Niles mans the turret, getting twice the amount of shots off with help from Azura (And prioritizing the Peg. Knights because FUCK)
  • Odin mans the Fire Orb, softening up the Oni in the West for Beruka
  • Felicia makes a bee line for the Northwest house
  • Mikey (My Corrin, Speed Boon/Res Bane) heads East, followed at first by Mozu (Level 5, Villager). Mozu pokes one archer, tag-teams the other with Mikey, then tag-teams the other on the next turn before pulling out to pop a Vulnerary and get back to the green zone
  • Mikey and Selena then pair up and wait just outside the range of the next two archers, with Selena killing the closest one once they get in range. If I'm lucky, the surviving one will miss Selena on the Enemy Phase, but either way she lives to murder him.
  • Felicia trades Beruka a Hand Axe and pairs up with her
  • Camilla blocks the second choke point that the enemies have either broken down or are close to breaking down in the center wall by the point

This setup has consistently worked out all fine and dandy for me, but then Turn 7 hits, Takumi pulls the plug out of the tub and great googly moogly, it all goes to shit! I either lose someone or someone (Usually a Pegasus Knight, fuck those guys) slips past me into the green zone. The furthest I've gotten without losing anyone is Turn 10. What can I do? (Preferably without exiting back to My Castle to re-supply or lower the difficulty.)

Does Silas has 10 base Spd or more? 10 Spd + Spd Tonic + Arthur Guard Stance will be better choice to do the work. He will ORKO Oni with Iron Sword and maybe OHKO Ninja with Iron Lance. Then you can set Effie free to do something else.

Does "pair up" mean Guard Stance? If so you are losing too much offense.

Niles using turret is a waste. A turret is doing nothing if you can ORKO enemies, and Niles does have the ability to ORKO Sky Knights.

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I'm reasonably sure I don't have any Tonics at all, and I haven't bought any equipment besides Mend Staves and replacement Heal Staves for Felicia and Elise, so my Silas is still rolling with a Bronze Lance, and I definitely don't trust him to hold up against the Oni onslaught.

And yes, Niles can one-round Peg. Knights; Oneshot them, even, when paired with Arthur; But the turret has a farther reach (Especially when the two Pegs are spread out, like they almost always are) and an AoE so he can weaken multiple enemies at once, and he very rarely misses with it.

Like I said, I can hold my own with this setup while the water's there; Where I need help is with transitioning from this setup one that can take care of the onslaught when the water's gone. So you're saying I should be splitting up my pairs?

EDIT: Alright, I finally managed it. For the benefit of anyone having similar difficulty with a strategy similar to mine, what I did when the water was drained is something I like to call "the Pullout Procedure." I took two turns to have everyone pull back (Using the Fire Orb and Elise's Freeze Staff to thin the Western Oni population along the way) into the green zone, with a defensive line in front of the green tiles consisting of, from right to left, Effie, Silas, Beruka (Paired with Felicia, although I didn't notice if that made a difference, what with all the stress I was under) and Camilla (Paired with Odin and using her Thunder tome) and everyone else was paired up and squashed together actually on the green tiles.

My only hope is that this post and my previous one help at least one person struggling with this chapter. It can be emotionally draining, and I wouldn't blame anyone who decides to bump the difficulty down to Normal or Casual instead, but I believe in you.

Edited by Mikey-Hunter
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