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Best Difficulty setting


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I am relatively new to the Fire Emblem series, only starting with Awakening, so I was thinking I would start off with Birthright first then Conquest after. However, I do like a challenge but still am a bit afraid to play Classic yet. Would Hard/Casual sound reasonable for a sorta newbie?

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My general rule since awakening if I want an 'easy' game is to go 1 level above the lowest level and throw on casual. I find it very easy to accident over extend on the lowest difficulty and also tend to develop bad habits. On Hard you may lose a unit here and there if you make a few mistakes but on Casual that ain't too bad. That way you can develop good habits and have fun at the same time. Then again I do play pretty much only turn based strategy/tactical type games so for me to think of hard as being 'normal' may wanna be taken with a grain of salt. That said I second Hard Casual for a sorta newbie. And you can lower difficulty if it gets too difficult later on(you can't raise it however). As such I would go as high up as I think I could handle since lowering it later is an option.

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Also keep in mind that Birthright and Conquest have different difficulty. So maybe you can start with Hard/Classic on Birthright, and if it seems too hard, you can go down to casual. Conquest is more difficult, so Hard/Casual or Normal/Classic would both be good options.

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Keep in mind that Casual Mode allows for saving during battles while Classic doesn't. If you're the kind of person to reset after a character falls anyways, then the more important feature for Casual Mode might be the battle save than disabed permadeath.

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"Best" difficulty? I'd say that would quite literally be Normal/Phoenix. *wink* Unless you have masochistic tendencies, then, well, that's a whole different story.

All jokes aside, since you are rather new, I do recommend starting on Casual mode to save yourself from soft resetting after potential screw ups.

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Classic is a must, otherwise it's not fire emblem. And also it's harder to develop bad habits.

Lunitic is easy for me, but that's just because I'm a veteran of 10+ years.

Normal or hard will do you just fine.

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Classic is a must, otherwise it's not fire emblem. And also it's harder to develop bad habits.

Lunitic is easy for me, but that's just because I'm a veteran of 10+ years.

Normal or hard will do you just fine.

lol classic is no more important than casual or even phoenix

just because someone has fun differently doesn't mean that it "isn't fire emblem"

I also think that suggesting Hard/Classic to someone new is not very good advice because they'll hate the game.

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Classic is a must, otherwise it's not fire emblem.

This is my own personal rule aswell. it makes you feel way more attached to the game and characters knowing if they die it's over.

But of course everyone can play however they want. If you're new to the series i can understand if you prefer casual over classic. From what i've heard Hard on birthright and Normal on Conquest are the most ''balanced'' difficulties.

Edited by BruceLee
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Honestly, I'd recommend Normal/Classic over Hard/Casual. I mean, both are fine, but by playing Classic you are forced to pay more attention to your mistakes, and that's the most fun part of a strategy game for me.

Edited by Nobody
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My general rule since awakening if I want an 'easy' game is to go 1 level above the lowest level and throw on casual. I find it very easy to accident over extend on the lowest difficulty and also tend to develop bad habits. On Hard you may lose a unit here and there if you make a few mistakes but on Casual that ain't too bad. That way you can develop good habits and have fun at the same time. Then again I do play pretty much only turn based strategy/tactical type games so for me to think of hard as being 'normal' may wanna be taken with a grain of salt. That said I second Hard Casual for a sorta newbie. And you can lower difficulty if it gets too difficult later on(you can't raise it however). As such I would go as high up as I think I could handle since lowering it later is an option.

This. When instarted with FE8, and every US game til Awakening, I was cautious. Then I got casual mode. On my yearly replays of FE8 I notice how much worse I am now as I am used to Casual mode- this isn't a bad thing in FE14- in fact I still use it. I just don't sacrifice units on purpose, casual mode means I don't reset every unit loss and changes nothing else. By doing harder difficulties with it I can be challenged whilst not sweating that if I lose a unit I must restart.

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I went with Casual. I'm going to restart when I lose units anyway, so this helps to make sure I don't lose a ton of time because of a single error or an unlucky crit.

Heh, reminds me of my angriest moment. FE8, enemy had around 20% chance to hit, 1% chance to critical. Even less because of how RNG was calculated. This was near the end of the chapter before the chapter before Formotis. Freaking guy does both, lose Amelia. Restart -.-

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Heh, reminds me of my angriest moment. FE8, enemy had around 20% chance to hit, 1% chance to critical. Even less because of how RNG was calculated. This was near the end of the chapter before the chapter before Formotis. Freaking guy does both, lose Amelia. Restart -.-

Poor you. :(

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