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Elibean Spaceman

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Soleil just can't win, can she? I'm reading her support with Ophelia right now, and I'm getting those "lesbian that takes straight girls' rejections as a challenges" vibes. I guess that's what happens when you base your characters around a single gimmick.

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Soleil just can't win, can she? I'm reading her support with Ophelia right now, and I'm getting those "lesbian that takes straight girls' rejections as a challenges" vibes. I guess that's what happens when you base your characters around a single gimmick.

Does she still have that line after the body switch were she says she's gonna go back to her tent and 'admire it', because fucking hell that was one of the creepiest things I've read in a long time.

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Camilla just makes me like her less and less... That one cutscene with her in Birthright is disgusting. It focuses on nothing but her ass and her boobs.

I won't lie, I don't mind it - I find it hilarious and it kinda reminds me of those villainous ladies in old anime. Which I tihnk kinda fits her perfectly.

Also really? I like Soleil, I thought she was focused on cute stuff now... she still acts... strange to poor Ophelia? my poor little girl, my poor favorite child... ;w;

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Does she still have that line after the body switch were she says she's gonna go back to her tent and 'admire it', because fucking hell that was one of the creepiest things I've read in a long time.

Here's the line--

"Now I don't need to chase you—I AM you! I've gotta go find a private place with a mirror! Heeheeheehee!"

The support is, um, really creepy.

Edited by Sixsmith
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Here's the line--

"Now I don't need to chase you—I AM you! I've gotta go find a private place with a mirror! Heeheeheehee!"

The support is, um, really creepy.

Welp. I guess I'll just keep Soleil and Ophelia away from each other. Shouldn't be too hard.

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Here's the line--

"Now I don't need to chase you—I AM you! I've gotta go find a private place with a mirror! Heeheeheehee!"

The support is, um, really creepy.

Sure sounds creepy (But I still think its kinda funny.)

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Here's the line--

"Now I don't need to chase you—I AM you! I've gotta go find a private place with a mirror! Heeheeheehee!"

The support is, um, really creepy.

Darn it, I was hoping they would change it, but it's still as creepy as it was before. It appears my dreams have gone unrecognized.

Edited by Matt-hue
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I think Camilla is great. She may have a large rack, but that's not all she is. I can count tons of villains who get T&A focus. Cia from Hyrule Warriors and Goetia from Xenoblade X comes to mind. That doesn't make them bad, that's just the developer's minds.

I found Camilla sweet. I think her design is really pretty. I wanted to play Conquest just for Camilla and Elise more than anything else. They're so kind.

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Well, forgive me for finding it hard to take characters like Camilla and Cia seriously because of how awful I find their designs. Also, her Corrin obsession creeps me out.

Edited by Anacybele
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Here's the line--

"Now I don't need to chase you—I AM you! I've gotta go find a private place with a mirror! Heeheeheehee!"

The support is, um, really creepy.

Well that's not as bad, but it's still veering dangerously close to NoTP territory for me.

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Soleil doesn't seem like a lesbian to me, it feels like she just really, really loves being around and admiring other women

Kinda like how people in fraternities/sororities love each other a little too much

They made her attraction to women a bit more explicitly stated in the localized version. Her only romantic supports (so I've heard) are now with Forrest and M!Corrin, and when she's introduced she's clearly said to be hitting on another girl, to which Laslow says she has great taste in women and men. And in her support with Ophelia, she flat-out says she is interested in her. I think, at the very least, she's being portrayed as bisexual in the localization.

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They made her attraction to women a bit more explicitly stated in the localized version. Her only romantic supports (so I've heard) are now with Forrest and M!Corrin, and when she's introduced she's clearly said to be hitting on another girl, to which Laslow says she has great taste in women and men. And in her support with Ophelia, she flat-out says she is interested in her. I think, at the very least, she's being portrayed as bisexual in the localization.

Yeah. She can S rank with the same lads, get the same benefits, but it doesn't end romantically- only platonically. Except with Forrest and Corrin.

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I like the majority of the characters and think that most of them have redeeming qualities. However...I do have a major dislike list:

1. Peri: It is not cool to be a psychopath killer. All the worse is that she's a child. In Awakening, Henry was morally ambiguous but he wouldn't kill someone for spilling tea on them! She's disturbing.

2. Garon: Well, he's clearly an evil jerk. And I'm not even going to go into the spoilery stuff.

3. Hans: He pushed Gunter off a bridge! And the fact that he works for Garon.

4. Camilla: The only thing I don't really like is her...um...very questionable outfit. I'm not into Fire Emblem for the fanservice (and I'm a girl anyway, so if I was into fanservice more than story, gameplay etc I'd like male fanservice. And I'm not saying I don't like a little fanservice but... there is a point where I'm disturbed by it) I do like her as a character, though.

5. Rahjat: Tharja 2.0. I didn't mind Tharja so much in Awakening (made her a Dark Knight and she kicks ass)... But having a copy of her is just ugh. Hopefully she can redeem herself since I haven't got to her yet in my playthrough.

Here are some that there are things I don't like about their personality but think they are still redeemable/likeable (to me anyway):

1. Takumi: At first, he's kind of a jerk. But I still like him anyway. Plus his hair is fabulous.

2. Jakob: He's a jerk to almost everyone but me. Still, I love his loyalty to his Princess. And his voice is awesome (to me)

3. Xander: Why the hell does he still side with Garon when it's clear that Garon is evil!? I dislike that about him. Still, I do feel bad for him and like him still.

If there are any more that I forgot or start to dislike, I'll edit this post.

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Xander. I despise him. I hate everything that he stands for. He disgusts me.

Rant over.

Conquest Ch27

Sure he doesn't realise what he's done until Slime Garon, but it proves how loyal he is to his country and that he is worthy of being next heir to the throne. He is a strong willed man that can be king as nothing of royalty cannot be weak to going on the offensive if politics don't work. He kept it secret to Corrin that he/she isn't a Nohrian, but what's the difference if he/she is happy?

Takumi for obvious reason's he's got some good reason's but I still can't stand him!

He's the type to only love those that deserve it! Corrin is a stranger from Nohr. Why the hell should he trust him/her? I don't use him either...but he does state points about things.


Nohr!Azura: "Let's invade the country that raised me and was kind to me so that Gooron can set on a throne! It's a flawless strategy that I'm sure will not result in any collateral damage whatsoever!" Do they even try to come up with something else?

Mid Game Conquest

Azure is doing her real mission that she normally forgot before.

  1. Azura: Oh dear, I really wanted to like you. But your reliance on shoddy planning and plot macguffins that instantly break after revealing plot critical info makes it so hard. If you know about the real threat to the known world then say something! Being mysterious for mysterious's sake is cliche and boring, not to mention aggravating.
Revelations Ch7

She doesn't want to end up like her mother Arete did when she opened her mouth. But her dissolving upon the endings of Hoshido and Conquest really leads to believe that she told the truth of something similar just before she died.

Joker/Asama: Unnecessarily dickish. There is being snarky and there is just being mean.

[spoiler=Aqua and the Awakening Trio]

Colossal fuck ups that ruin a great deal of the story. They have all the answers to solving the greater conflict but take no actions in order to inform others of it. Aqua in particular is the biggest asshole for assisting in the invasion of the country that raised her and treated her kindly. Was that REALLY the best plan you could think of?

With all the Azama hate going on his daughter...ut oh. -.-

Mid Game Conquest

She's no Kakarot/Tidus.
She's doing her mission that she is supposed to do since birth. I won't think any less of her whatever she decides herself.

I blame it on Anankos and Valla in general to be honest. If they wanted to come up with a way to have the nations unite, they could've come up with something that didn't rely on 'spooky dragon wants to kill everything for no reason'. Not to mention that it doesn't make Azura and the Awakening Trio look like idiots for not trying to let people know what was going on.


His reason is as good as any. Same reason why the manaketes rebel in other games. Medeus for example.

I think these two responses sum up what the main problems with Conquest are and why so many people dislike the story, myself included. Another big reason is Revelations which negatively affects both Conquest AND Birthright, but this is a thread for characters, so I shouldn't talk about it here.

I've always wondered why Camilla is so popular. First of all, I don't see the appeal in her design but you know, to each their own so I won't comment on something so superficial other than how awkward it must be for her siblings to see her walk around in her underwear like that. However, what I simply don't understand is how people can not only like her personality but also call her a mother figure; a mother figure to me is NOT someone mentally unstable who's obsessed with you and obviously wants to bang you.

Empress Arcana.
Like Queen Haruka.

Right now, its Queen Mikoto for making Hoshido so boring.

Said the one who brings peace that Garon ruined.

Camilla just makes me like her less and less... That one cutscene with her in Birthright is disgusting. It focuses on nothing but her ass and her boobs.

Who is no vixen like Haruka.

Well, forgive me for finding it hard to take characters like Camilla and Cia seriously because of how awful I find their designs. Also, her Corrin obsession creeps me out.


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It's hard to believe a professional writer actually wrote Xander's character. It's almost depressing.

Remember that the professional writer you're talking about only wrote the draft for the game. The actual story was made by other people who decided to add crap because, why not, characters with gimmicks that resemble a mediocre sitcom* and otaku pandering is acclaimed by the masses, makes people buy the product and results into profit. I'm also pessimistic about IS' care about the story quality of the FE series, because Fates' story is not as bad as Awakening, it is just an "ok" story with "ok" characterization, just enough to please a good number of people and assure profits.

* There are characters that I like and there are parts that I also like in the writing, but even they are portrayed through gimmicks and unfortunately they aren't explored well enough by the writing.

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I won't lie, I don't mind it - I find it hilarious and it kinda reminds me of those villainous ladies in old anime. Which I tihnk kinda fits her perfectly.

Yeah. I really wish people would just let the hell up about that scene, tbh. Because after a certain point, it begins reading as misogynist.

Caeldori needs to stop being so goddamn insipid. Shes really damn annoying. Its like, i get the Cordelia expy and shes supposed to be like younger Cordelia. But she actually has more Severa style moments and pushes people around. She upsets me a lot, and its terrible because shes one of my MU's kids. Ugh ugh ugh Miyuki regrets giving birth to you, Caeldori. :/

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Caeldori needs to stop being so goddamn insipid. Shes really damn annoying. Its like, i get the Cordelia expy and shes supposed to be like younger Cordelia. But she actually has more Severa style moments and pushes people around. She upsets me a lot, and its terrible because shes one of my MU's kids. Ugh ugh ugh Miyuki regrets giving birth to you, Caeldori. :/

Aw man, she's pushy? I was just starting to kinda like her.

Welp one kid I'm not getting then.

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Remember that the professional writer you're talking about only wrote the draft for the game. The actual story was made by other people who decided to add crap because, why not, characters with gimmicks that resemble a mediocre sitcom* and otaku pandering is acclaimed by the masses, makes people buy the product and results into profit. I'm also pessimistic about IS' care about the story quality of the FE series, because Fates' story is not as bad as Awakening, it is just an "ok" story with "ok" characterization, just enough to please a good number of people and assure profits.

* There are characters that I like and there are parts that I also like in the writing, but even they are portrayed through gimmicks and unfortunately they aren't explored well enough by the writing.

Between 2006 and 2008, Intelligent Systems released a slew of games that had strong plot focus: Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Super Paper Mario, and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. In addition to simply being very plot-heavy, they tended to have subtle, nuanced, and darker stories. Even when the stories made mistakes (Radiant Dawn has some serious issues, as I'm sure anyone will tell you), those mistakes seemed more like an overreach of ambition rather than not caring enough to make something better.

All of these games did poorly. The Radiance Saga are among the worst-performing games in the entire series, sales-wise. Super Paper Mario remains to this day unfairly disliked by fans of Paper Mario. Days of Ruin did poorly and was criticized by fans as a grimdarkening of the series.

Since then, Intelligent Systems has entirely revamped their approach. They eschewed story to focus on simpler tales that have a higher gameplay focus. The recent Paper Mario games and the recent Fire Emblem games (pretty sure Days of Ruin killed Advance Wars for good) have among the worst stories in their respective series. Like, I bash on FE7's plot all the time, but at least they tried. Awakening they didn't (I haven't played enough of Fates yet to make that assessment myself).

I don't blame them, though. When you have such a rough stretch of financial success, paired with core fanbases that deride your latest additions to the series, something has to change. There's a reason these new Fire Emblem games are the best the series has ever done, and you can't fault Intelligent Systems for going in this direction.

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hmm, probably felicia.. Low af stats for strength which hurts begining conquest game as a male. I dont hate her as much as I did the Japanese version. Her voice was too annoying there. I can relate to Jakob and Azama both, I despise people. As for Niles and peri being kinda nuts, I can get into that too.

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It's becoming apparent that the Awakening kids (Caeldori, Asugi and Rhajat) are less likeable, spoiled brat versions of the original.

I'm not too big a fan of Soleil. She doesn't really have a concept of boundaries. I guess it's my fault for reading the Soleil x Ophelia supports first.

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