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In need of Peaches and I don't know where to get them


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I'm looking for peaches and I don't really know how to get them. I'm not to far into Birthright (only on Chapter 11), so maybe I'm not being patient enough. But could someone help me out by at least telling me when this resource becomes available for me? I would really appreciate it :)


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I've found a few rare foods when I'm landing on sparkly tiles, but it's best to just go to Recommended My Castles, and look at the maps to find which one has the material you're looking for.

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You can find them from other castles by visiting them. The same is with the other fruit and minerals. You keep the mineral and fruit that you start out with to grow, and can't make any other type, You also have a chance of getting some from the lottery as a dud prize, or as a reward from the Arena if you bet them.

My castle has peaches, so if you don't feel like looking everywhere for them, feel free to check mine out and gather them.

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Tip for collecting resources: You can get 3 resources from a level 3 location. You can also get 1 more from walking on that resource location in a My Castle battle. Alternatively you can gamble them at the arena for 1, 3, or 7 extra materials (winning one, two and three matches, respectively) but you have a chance of losing a resource.

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