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I just got a Heart Seal. Is it worth using even though you lose the dragon form?


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I did with my avatar. My secondary class was spear fighter but I changed her after I used a master seal. She got Draconic Hex and, once I changed her, she started solo'ing pretty much. She is a Spear Master with sky high defense, skill and strength.

I think it depends on whether or not you are willing to start with a E-rank for any class without swords and if the ideal class has any advantages you're willing to sacrifice.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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Yes, even if only to get skills- then change back. I have a feeling that other classes are superior at lower levels but Kamui's weapon means his main class/sword wielding classes will be best. Sadly my secondary is Wyvern Knight as I thought Dragon=Manakete -.-

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I would say it depends on what you can find as far as other people's castles and how you feel about getting late game skills early. I reclassed to Samurai, then stumbled on an easy seize with swordfaire, making me regret it slightly. I've hung with it for vantage and to grab Astra, but I'll probably switch back once I do.

Edited by Ezrius
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Dragon form isn't that great, especially if your boon isn't MAG. I changed my Corrin to Dread Fighter at level 10 and I have not looked back. She did fine.

Also, Nohr has plenty of tanks: Effie, Benny, Xander-- even Peri and Silas can become good tanks if you make them Great Knights. Plus, Jakob/Felicia's personal skills make Corrin a pseudo-tank, too.

All in all, just do it.

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Yeah, I switched over to Spear Fighter immediately after I got Silas and stole his lance to train myself, my Kamui also did a bunch of tanking in chapter 7 as well which got me DFang. So all in all it isn't a bad decision and so far I've been doing pretty good at tanking things physically with Felicia dual strike support on Lunatic Classic. Also imo Dark Blood/Noble's skills aren't that appealing, especially for my final build with Dread Fighter.

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Dragon form isn't that great, especially if your boon isn't MAG. I changed my Corrin to Dread Fighter at level 10 and I have not looked back. She did fine.

Also, Nohr has plenty of tanks: Effie, Benny, Xander-- even Peri and Silas can become good tanks if you make them Great Knights. Plus, Jakob/Felicia's personal skills make Corrin a pseudo-tank, too.

All in all, just do it.

Paladin Perry is pretty damn tanky as well, though I rarely use tanks- I prefer fast and strong over slow and armored. But at 20/10 she is my third most powerful character, at around 150 total stats but taking every hit. Number 2 is Corrin at 20/9 with around 150 total stats, and number one is (somehow) Hinoka at 20/4 with 160ish. I call her HighEst- High Est- because she has leveled every stat three times since I got her, and frequently increases all but strength and defense. Meanwhile Felicia is 34 (20/14 essentially) and in the 110's or 120s. Ryomo and Xander may also be up tyre but as I got them recently and their weapons basically make them I don't count them. Aqua has a great total but like 8 defense so dies to anything.

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I never used the dragon form once so far and was annoyed that I couldn't sell it for cash.

Reclassing is a good idea depending on what your class is; Ninja, Samurai, Cavalier, Diviner, and Wyvern Rider are the best choices.

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