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Best Characters to Level Up (Spoilers?)


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Hey guys! I'm pretty new to Fire Emblem (I played Awakening, but was a complete beginner at the time, so I kinda just played through it without much strategy and I want to change that for Fates).

I picked Birthright to play first, which allows for a lot more support/leveling up of characters with side missions/challengers etc. But, after Chapter 6, you start getting more characters than you can use in battle obviously, and I'm wondering if it is strategic to level up/use certain characters over others.

I don't mind character spoilers, so if there are any specific characters you guys feel should be leveled up and certain ones that shouldn't be bothered with, please post your opinions!


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If you pick a good balance of classes it's hard to go wrong really. That being said there are a few characters who are worse than others, and if you are going for the strongest team (rather than just characters you like), I would ditch:

Rinkah (not enough Strength)

Orochi (not enough Speed)

Setsuna (completely outclassed by Takumi)

Those three are perfectly useable, but they require a little extra work (like stat-increasing items) and there are better alternatives.

I'm using Rinkah and Orochi on Hard/Classic and without grinding, but I had to give them some stat boosters to help them keep up.

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Well, with Ryoma and Takumi, you're pretty much set for the majority of the game (if you are doing normal or hard) :P But other good units would include Azura, Hinoka, Scarlet, your first servant, and Kaze. As long as it's not lunatic, you can probably get away with training characters based on preferences alone.

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Royal Siblings. Be careful as some will eat up xp more than others. I don't know Hinoka's growth rates, but for me at least she has been an Est. Basically, a Pegasi Rider who levels up all or most stats every level up. Heck, she's stronger than Corrin (sans his super sword) and five levels lower right now. She is just beastly.

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All members of the royal family, Oboro, and Kaze or Saizou come to mind. Jakob / Felicia are useful as well.

Mozu makes an outstanding Archer.


No kidding.

She should be Holybowwoman above all else.


I'd also say Oboro and Benny for Oboro being an all around character and Benny uprising over Effie. Sorry, Effie, your trying to be the strongest woman in the world, but Benny has you beat once he has Defensive Formation.

Edited by PuffPuff
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Silas seems to be a good option if you want a mount and/or a tank, since Birthright seems to be somewhat short on options for those early on (at least until you get Scarlet, who's also amazing). He's performed really well for me, at least.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I don't know much about the Hoshido path since I'm still playing through Nohr (and I missed the pre-orders for the special edition so I'll have to buy Birthright), but from what I know, I'd say Felicia/Jakob (depending on which one you got first), the royals, and Azura are your best bets. Azura may be fragile, but having a Singer on the team is worth it

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Agreed. Also on Nohr, but Felicia has been invaluable. I think I underestimated how good Shurikens would be and having a healer with attacking options from the get-go is extremely helpful. As long as she's not in danger, Azura is effectively a second copy of your (situationally) best character because of Singing. Cannot express how many times I've used her to help Niles completely negate flying units.

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