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WTF Gamestop is cleaned out of all physical games. Period!


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Seriously. What the hell? There isn't a single game in stock. Period. The stores totally cleaned out and getting sick and tired of this shit. Peoples orders are getting delayed because of this shit and this is only going to be bad if they end up being scalper only buys for awhile.

EDIT: Target and Walmart still have them though. But...still...one store cleaned out throughout the US would be unbelieveable without importers from Europe.

Guess no keychains for half of us since no other store comes with this packaging.

~Physical Copies and keychains completely cleaned out. Period! Gamestop. Date: 2-22-2016
Digital Only Available Date: 2-22-2016
Edited by PuffPuff
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I didn't even bother with Gamestop. The Special Edition was sold out and there were no preorder bonuses, so I just walked into a Best Buy on Friday and took a copy of Conquest off the shelf. They even had multiple in-store racks set up, so there was no chance they were selling out.

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That very fact is the reason I had to settle with Conquest, when I wanted to get Birthright first. (For me, I ordered online off Bestbuy, and while it had both games, only Conquest was available for shipping, and there wasn't one nearby. Oh well...)

Edited by Noburu
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Not trying to sound rude, but that doesn't mean they are cleaning them out. It just means the warehouse probably doesn't have (enough) stock to warrant them being available again. This happens all the time (on the website) when a new game is released, especially ones that are really popular. Give it a few days and I'm sure there will be restocked.

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It's shocking to see everything gone when the SE is the definitive game which saves you a ton of SD Card space.

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When I went to pick up my SE Friday I saw that my GS only had 3 SEs about 7 copies of Conquest and maybe 10 copies of Birthright and they were all reserved, because people kept calling while I was in line asking about Fates. Though my close GS tends to get less games in their shipments then the other ones in my area, which is one of the main reasons I preorder. Of course like I have said in the past FE is not all that popular where I live so my store probably just ordered enough games for the preorders.

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It's shocking to see everything gone when the SE is the definitive game which saves you a ton of SD Card space.

Well those were gone like a hours-1 day after they went up... so it wasn't even an option for the vast majority.

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Reminds me of the Awakening release fiasco. My brother and I were in college at the time: my roommate and I drove around to all the Gamestops and other stores in the area while my brother decided, because he had nothing better to do, to walk to his local Gamestop in the middle of a blizzard- all of us returned with nothing to show for our troubles. At this point I'm going to wait a couple weeks till my birthday, which should hopefully bring about an influx of gift cards, to get the game. In the mean time I'll poke around Gamestop every now and then on the slim chance that they get a used SE in stock! Never going to happen, but I can hope.

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When I went to pick up my SE Friday I saw that my GS only had 3 SEs about 7 copies of Conquest and maybe 10 copies of Birthright and they were all reserved, because people kept calling while I was in line asking about Fates. Though my close GS tends to get less games in their shipments then the other ones in my area, which is one of the main reasons I preorder. Of course like I have said in the past FE is not all that popular where I live so my store probably just ordered enough games for the preorders.

Ya, it really depends on the gamestop and populated it is. The one near me when i got my copy had a small box of SE, i would say could have held a little over 10 copies, and they had maybe 20 copies of each path our to display. By the time i got to the front of the line i had seen all of Birthright copies all gone. it was crazy. But i cant wait to see the numbers of how much was sold and the total for opening week!

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Wow, I wonder how many copies this game will sell after everything is said and done. Although I haven't even gotten the game yet because I'm still praying for the miracle that Nintendo decides to restock the special edition :(

I wouldn't count on a restock of the special edition. They would have been better off calling it a limited edition or something. Right now, Nintendo is claiming over 300k units shipped of both Birthright and Conquest.

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