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Conquest Characters in Birthright?


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So I was playing Birthright last night, and was checking out other people's castles. Just needed one more battle to unlock the next tier battle reward, so I was looking for someone who looked on par with my team to enough of a degree for it to be a fair battle. Anyway, I stumbled onto this persons castle and was cruising around talking to the characters who were hanging around outside, because sometimes they give you stuff, and I noticed that this person had Effie in their roster, despite the fact that all their other characters were Hoshidan, like mine, suggesting that they're also playing Birthright. How is this possible?

My first assumption was the capture mechanic, which I haven't even unlocked the skill for myself yet, but after doing some research on the interwebs it seems like the general consensus is that capture only works for a handful of bosses, as well as generic characters you find in scouting maps. I wouldn't think Effie would fall into either of those categories. I've been scouring the web and I can't find any information about how else you might make that happen anywhere. I'd love to know how to do it. I love armor knights, and that's obviously something I'm deprived of playing Birthright. Anybody know how this may have been accomplished? I still have the player's info in my record of visited castles, I personally can't visit them again until tomorrow, but unless I've misunderstood the mechanic, once I can revisit, if I grab their card I can provide the castle ID so you can see for yourself if you'd like.

As a side note, first post in the forums, but I've used the informative side of the site many many times. Great stuff guys.

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Einherjar card or recruiting them after you beat the owner of another castle. I got a Xander from a Einherjar shop in a Nohr castle, and my sister got Ryoma from a shop in a Hoshido castle.

Edit: If they have the little blue shield by their sprite, they're Einherjar.

Edited by Silverhawk
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Oh that's kinda lame. I was hoping there was some kind of story element to it. I didn't really mess with the Einherjar in Awakening. My normal team just always seemed like the better option. They just felt too 2 dimensional to me. Recruiting them from a castle battle could be cool though. Thus far I've only battled other Hoshidan armies, and taken skills I didn't have yet as loot. I'll have to start looking for Nohr castles. I didn't connect those dots at all. I knew you could recruit troops that way. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

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