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Pre Requisites for Chapter 10 Conquest Hard

Lucina's Husband

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The reason I brought up Selena because she’s fairly good at base, due to her high Spd and Def. She only wants Tonics and Str Pair Up to get started, she does not need to be fed kills.

And it depends on your Boon/Bane, but Felicia staying as a maid can be good to help Levin Sword use. Bow Knight can work if you really need the help against fliers, and does give move in Pair Up. Camilla+Zero+Azura+others Tag Teaming should be enough though.

You're probably overprepared (I'm assuming Silas/Effie are 10/11? or are they base?). Haitaka's Rally Defense could help.

Oops, I meant 11 lol. If I post their stats, might you be able to tell me which tonics everybody will need?

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If someone can double (requires +5 Spd) with tonics, give +Spd to them. If someone can one-round (Atk-Def/Res, maybe 2x) with tonics, give them +Str/Mag. Give +Hp/Def to your main combat units. Though be a little careful with Effie/Camilla because if their Def is too high, it'll make things a little harder since enemies will ignore them instead of getting crushed on enemy phase.

Give Camilla +Mag for Onis (check the stats, but I think she onerounds without Pair Up), and +Spd for Oboro if Selena/Arthur/Spd pair ups are elsewhere. Can have someone trade them to her in the chapter. She probably doesn't need Hp/Def tonics in this chapter.

Edited by XeKr
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If someone can double (requires +5 Spd) with tonics, give +Spd to them. If someone can one-round (Atk-Def/Res, maybe 2x) with tonics, give them +Str/Mag. Give +Hp/Def to your main combat units. Though be a little careful with Effie/Camilla because if their Def is too high, it'll make things a little harder since enemies will ignore them instead of getting crushed on enemy phase.

Give Camilla +Mag for Onis, and +Spd for Oboro if Selena/Arthur/Spd pair ups are elsewhere. Can have someone trade them to her in the chapter. She probably doesn't need Hp/Def tonics in this chapter.

Are there any important enemy speed tiers I should be on the look out for? Guess I'll do a test run without tonics then do it with them once I see what I need.

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Here's what I did to beat chapter 10 of conquest lunatic very easily. I was playing the chapter blind, and I beat it in <5 retries with this setup.

Mozume lvl 11, gave her a str tonic and had her man the ballista on the right and kill stray pegasus that came at her.

Effie lvl 11. My effie was a little str fucked so I gave her a str tonic also, and along with Mozume ballista weakening enemy units, she could kill one shot enemy units that came from the right with javelin/lance. My effie was def blessed at this point so she didn't need a def tonic, but you could give her one so the enemies tickle her. She may still need a vulnerary though.

Nyx lvl 9 mans the fire orb. I gave her 0 unit kills up to this point. She weakens the bottom units as top priority, and then the axe dudes that come at her. I left selena right on top of her so that selena could one shot the weakened axe units that come from the left.

Niles lvl 11 mans the bottom ballista with corrin pairup. I gave my niles a def and hp tonic so that he could survive all the low hp ninjas that rushed him from the bottom side while still staying on the ballista.

Azura just dances for niles so that he can use the ballista twice or dances for other units that need her. I gave her a def and hp tonic so that she could survive more than one attack from any misc unit that tried to attack her.

lvl 10 silas with arthur pair up + speed tonic. Silas defends the bottom right choke of the map, and ith silas doubling, he can double and kill weakened axe users that come at him from the bottom right.

Elise gets the top left house and joins the fray as a healer. I used both her rescue staff charges on this map.

I had felicia, and she was just a staff bot that healed the people at the bottom.

Camilia x Berka pair up goes around with their main objectives being to collect the items from the remaining two houses.

After takumi uses his dragon vein, gtfo from the bottom side of the map and run to the exit, before you get overwhelmed. Any straggling units and any unit left behind gets rescue staffed by elise. Put 4 weak units in the back to block the exit(some may have to be paired up) and 4 in the front(All your units here need pair ups to avoid getting dual hit) to defend the weak units at the back. If you don't want hinata and Oboro hitting you, just dequip all weapons from all your units and have them tank only the units that manage to end up getting to you and hitting you. This will minimize the exposure to the amount of damage that you take from enemies, and by not killing them, you can also not risk opening yourself up to new enemies or units that can hit you. Heal with staves or just use vulneries to heal up, and boom, easy win to this chapter.

I recall not weapon dequipping my items on safer tankier units like effie and camilia, but not sure about others. I think silas may be included here depending on how your silas turned out. Zero automatically can't hit any melee units that come at him so he's fine.

Edited by FatesLunatic
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Yay! It took me more tries then I'd like to admit, but I finally did it!

I sent Odin, Silas, and Selena to the left with Nyx on the magic ballista. I'm sad because Selena gained experience just short of leveling up, but with a strength tonic she really pulled her own weight. Odin was also exceptionally helpful as his accurate Nosferatu consistently allowed me to attack in enemy range while weakening them for the rest. Despite having several strength growths and a tonic, Silas just didn't feel like he was doing much damage, but I think that was because of the Javelin. He didn't die and he assured the other two got through.

Camilla and Beruka stayed int he bottom left until enemies stopped coming. Occasionally they'd have to peel off to slay a stray Pegasus but Azura was always nearby. Despite not having a second archer, between Niles and Azura I was pretty much okay. Azura's strength was so high from the sing-grinding I did before that she ohkoed any enemy that got too close. Elise and Felicia ran around healing people. I had to use Freeze once on Oboro, but it was worth the kill.

On the bottom right and far right, Effie with a Javelin, and the set of speed, strength, and defense tonics went to town on the archers and stragglers. She only entered the danger zone health wise when Oboro and her club-wielding posse broke through. The Concoction from Hinoka in the earlier chapter + Elise really saved me.

Felicia and Corrin flanked the other hole in the fence. Corrin's health never got dangerously low--not even after engaging Oboro while Felicia's ability kept her health up as well.

One day I'll work up the courage to try this on Lunatic mode, but for now I'm happy that I finally got through this on Hard Classic.

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Lol, I just beat it on Lunatic Classic deathless with getting all the villages. Took me the past 3 days of retries to do it but I finally got through. Was really really painful. Used a bunch of tonics, as well as all my rescue charges, and one freeze charge, and Mozume as an Archer likely could've died final turn to a throwing club oni if it wasn't for RNG finally blessing my pitiful self with a dodge on the final turn. Anyways, my basic strategy was MU and Felicia take bot right and killing Oboro by turn 5, Camilla pair with Harold to hold bot left, Silas left, Odin on Sphere, Mozu and Niles on Ballista for the first couple turns before being swarmed by fliers around t8-11 at which they transferred to support, Effie on right up to t6-8 or so, Elise as heal/rescue/freeze bot, Belka paired with Selena + tonics and dracoshield use and raider axe to ORKO fliers and helped create an opening to nab the dual club village w/ Camilla before it gets 100% blocked until the swarming section and then transit right to nab the shield and a rescue to fight the off left by t6, and then Aqua providing sings as necessary. I also had to do some last-minute pairing up of my weaker units on the green tiles since you get swarmed by then that leaving any of those guys out in the open isn't going to keep them alive.

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Honestly it took me about an hour to beat ch10 lunatic with all villages no deaths, and another 4 or 5 to get a really elegant and clean feeling route because I'm a perfectionist. Its easily my favorite chapter in any FE now though bar none. So well made n_n. (hell its got meposting here x.x)

Anyways grats man.

Edited by joshcja
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