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Hmm...Guess I should introduce myself


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Created this account a bit back and thought that I should make some use of it. I've been a LONG time lurker here (almost 5 years now :P) and as a result know quite a bit of people here (The thread wars about Fates and Awakening were amusing to see :)). I've started playing Fire Emblem around 7 years ago...my first game was the Blazing Sword. Gradually, I've managed to play most of the games in the series, barrring POR, Awakening and Fates. Currently, I'm playing FE4 and FE12.

Other than that, I'm fond of Legend of Zelda and Pokemon. I also like reading. Give me a good book and I'm a happy person :D

So, yeah that's me :)

Sorry for being so basic, guys. I have no life outside of school.

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5 year lurker, huh? That's impressive.

I'm pretty fond of Zelda and Pokemon myself. Which ones are you favorites? Mine's Wind Waker and Omega Ruby.

Hello, Konnichiwa, Aloha, etc. Welcome to the forest (officially) and enjoy your time here!

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5 year lurker, huh? That's impressive.

I'm pretty fond of Zelda and Pokemon myself. Which ones are you favorites? Mine's Wind Waker and Omega Ruby.

Hello, Konnichiwa, Aloha, etc. Welcome to the forest (officially) and enjoy your time here!

Thank you :)

My favourite Zelda game would have to be Twilight Princess. For Pokemon it's a threeway (or fourway if you count Pokemon Conquest) between Ruby/Soul Silver and White.

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