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Castle Invasions get really strong really fast?


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So...yeah. I've only encountered my second castle invasion so far, and this one turned out to be WAY stronger than the first one. And too strong for my party to handle currently. They don't stand a chance at all. So I've had to just leave it alone.

Are invasions like this for everybody or is there some RNG thing involved?

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Well, I've only had two so far too, but I agree the second one was more difficult because of the sheer amount of promoted units.

I suppose it's not meant to line up with your team's current state but rather just supposed to be like that, since my team consisted of mostly promoted units already at the time so I would've expected higher leveled enemies if that were the case.

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The three invasions don't scale in difficultly so you can take them whenever you want.

What gets me is the reinforcements. Even if you can clear most of the first wave, you don't have enough units to kill them all in one turn and then they get reinforced a turn or two later.

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