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30th Anniversary of Zelda


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So, Zelda fans, remember when Skyward Sword came out in 2011? And each copy came with the 25th anniversary concert CD. And Skyward Sword was pretty much one of the ways that anniversary was celebrated (there's even a reference to it at the start of the game with the wing ceremony being the 25th to ever be held).

That was five years ago, meaning this year should be Zelda's 30th, right? I realized there hasn't been any mention of it at all, yet Nintendo's been all over Pokemon's 20th and they gave Luigi a whole year for himself for his 30th in 2013 (which was so totally amazing for me because Luigi fangirl here <3).

Have they forgotten about Zelda now? Is Pokemon overshadowing it completely? :( Zelda is my favorite series that isn't FE or Smash, so I would really like to see some cool Zelda 30th stuff to go with the Pokemon celebration. Wouldn't you guys agree?

Edited by Anacybele
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Hopefully they'll release Zelda U this year, though that would kind of seem like "we totally meant this to be an anniversary title all along ahaha".

Nintendo may not have been doing much with the anniversary, but I know some dedicated fans have been celebrating and hyping it (my twitter feed is filled with it).

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Yeah, I'm thinking it'll be an anniversary title now as well since Skyward Sword got that treatment as I said. But I'm just upset that Nintendo hasn't acknowledged it at all and is giving all the attention to Pokemon. They even gave Pokemon a Super Bowl commercial! Which is neat, but where's my Zelda commercial? Or Anniversary Zelda events/merchandise/whatever?

Us Zelda fans want some Zelda, Nintendo!

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Skyward Sword came out in November of 2011, fairly late into the year. Zelda U might do the same thing and they're holding off until they have more information. The NX is also supposedly shipping this year and there's rumors of a new Zelda coming out as a launch window title for that. Zelda U may, unfortunately, turn out to be Zelda NX. Hopefully not.

In regards to Pokemon and Luigi, Mario is the best selling video game franchise of all time with Pokemon being second. Zelda I believe is the third (strange how they're all Nintendo), so they're going to jump onto the hype train that gets them more money, being Pokemon's. It sucks, yes.

Seems they're keeping the fans busy with Twilight Princess HD, but it's just making us even more anxious.

It is also Metroid's, Kid Icarus's, and Mega Man's 30th anniversary as well (and The Mysterious Mirasame Castle, but whatever), and the only thing out of them is the Mega Man Legacy Collection that was just released.

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Well, Metroid, Kid Icarus, and Mega Man aren't nearly as big or notable or popular as Zelda. So that's why I only brought up Zelda.

But I see. I always thought Zelda was a bit more popular than Pokemon, but I guess I was wrong. Also, don't worry about Zelda Wii U being for NX, Aonuma has stated that it's for Wii U only and will not be ported. I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere, anyway.

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Who cares if they don't have a special 30 years logo? NCL wasn't throwing around a fancy 25th anniversary logo when Fates was released last year, but FE fans still made out like bandits when the year was done. I guarantee that by the time 2016 is done Zelda, IS, and Pokemon fans will have had a great year.

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My favorite series is Legend of Zelda, followed by Pokémon and Fire Emblem. I'm hyped for Zelda Wii U and Twilight Princess HD! Maybe they will do something special for the anniversary... I hope so!

Edited by PrincessAlyson
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I just don't understand what you want from NCL. They're not going to steal attention away from Pokemon in its big month, that's just common sense. Really I don't expect anything until E3 so that they can blow the doors open on Zelda U and possibly the Zelda amiibo line.

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I just don't understand what you want from NCL. They're not going to steal attention away from Pokemon in its big month, that's just common sense. Really I don't expect anything until E3 so that they can blow the doors open on Zelda U and possibly the Zelda amiibo line.

Not to mention the Zelda Concert is still continuing to this day. We having a showing in my area again for the 4th time sometime this fall.

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First, what do you mean by "NCL"?

Second, I'm not saying to steal any spotlight from Pokemon, I'm saying to share it. That's all I ask for.

You say this but:

Well, Metroid, Kid Icarus, and Mega Man aren't nearly as big or notable or popular as Zelda. So that's why I only brought up Zelda.

Why not share the spotlight with Kid Icarus, Mega Man, Metroid, and Murasame Castle (which counts)? Metroid has an obvious disaster coming and got literally nothing for it's 25th. Kid Icarus just came back, so why not acknowledge that?

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Why not share the spotlight with Kid Icarus, Mega Man, Metroid, and Murasame Castle (which counts)? Metroid has an obvious disaster coming and got literally nothing for it's 25th. Kid Icarus just came back, so why not acknowledge that?

Read my post again. They. Are. Not. As. Big. Or. Popular. As. Zelda. Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda are the big three, they all deserve a lot of attention for notable anniversaries.

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Remember that polished retail games usually take 2-4 years to make (sometimes more). Unless a game has the word "anniversary" in the title, it is much more likely that it is treated as an anniversary game in the media due to convenient timing. Also, it's been even longer since the last home-console Sin and Punishment game than the last home-console Zelda game. So your post should really look like this...

Us Zelda Sin and Punishment fans want some Zelda Sin and Punishment, Nintendo!

It's not as popular, but I wouldn't say it's less deserving of an anniversary game.

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Im really old, you guys. *shifts in mummy dust*
I remember getting my first Zelda game...the NES version. Hard to believe it was like, 30 years ago. (29, technically because it was 1987. But thats the US release so...Im still ancient.)

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The new Zelda game comes out like during the second half on this year which was around the time Skyward Sword came out and when they made a big deal about it being the 25th Anniversary. So I'm sure once we get closer more will be talked about it. However the new game isn't looking like its going to be one of the best Zelda games.

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Remember Mario's 25th anniversary? Man, all we got was an artbook and re-re-released Super Mario All-Stars! It wasn't even the improved All-Stars + Super Mario World one!

Read my post again. They. Are. Not. As. Big. Or. Popular. As. Zelda. Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda are the big three, they all deserve a lot of attention for notable anniversaries.

Even if they aren't as popular, I'd say they'd still deserve something. Federation Force looks like it'll be fun, but so far, nothing for the Icarus kid. I guess it just depends on if the creators want to do something or not.

I'm a huge Zelda fan myself, but even so, I don't think it should hog ALL the spotlight...

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Personally, I just want someone to explain what the hell happened between ALBW and TFH

Hyrule Hystoria II when

Tbh, I dunno if a big celebration is really needed. I mean, we're getting TPHD, Zelda U, that ALBW Link figure I may or may not bother importing, the concerts still go on, and TFH came out in October. I feel like there's a lot of Zelda already.

And besides, anniversaries feel less ~special~ if you throw a party only five years after the last one. Imo, anyway.

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I think at the very least, a prerequisite for having an anniversary celebration should having a product in development. I mean what would have been the point of celebrating F-Zero last year? Metroid you can certainly make a case for with Federation Force, but Kid Icarus would be a stretch.

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Also, don't worry about Zelda Wii U being for NX, Aonuma has stated that it's for Wii U only and will not be ported. I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere, anyway.

Well I wouldn't go as far to say that he promised it wouldn't be ported. It is of course coming to Wii U, but a rather credible leak with a source confirmed to be legitimate by a reputable NeoGAF mod, stated that Zelda NX, along with Zelda Wii U will be released in 2016. I'm not saying the leak itself is true, but the source it came from has been confirmed to be a Nintendo of America staff member.

Here's more info: http://www.zeldainformer.com/news/neogaf-moderator-verifies-source-of-zelda-nx-and-a-2016-release-for-nx

Aside from that, I'm looking forward to the anniversary especially Zelda Wii U. My birthday was on the 21st, as was The Legend of Zelda's :)

Edited by DragonLord
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