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Matt: Your awesome man, your my brother, my best friend, I love you man. Ever since we became drinking buddies and started the trinity it's like I have a real family...

FEFL: The same man, I know that if the forest goes to hell you'll always have my back...I feel like when you first came, I was a sort of mentor, that's a cool feeling and it's nice haveing someone who I know is my friend.

Gatrie: We've both been through alot of shit, I feel like I can talk to you man, thanks. It was your idea to start the trinity and my friend it was a damn good one.

Masu: Dude...you are one of the best friends I could ever want, I know we got off to a bad start what with me wanting to bang Songbird and all but you've become one of my best friends and probably the only one who can rival my pervyness.

Branded: Your a badass, and I'm proud to call you a friend, Your a pretty cool dude and I love writing your character in my fic XD

Kilvas: Your like the sister I never had, your a good friend and I know I can talk to you if I ever need a shipment of Win.

Cynthia: You are a good friend, We have a smiler pervy sense of humor and I like your coolness and Leanne-ness and I hope we stay friends until one of us leaves XD

Cym and Des: We had some good times back in that August, at 3:00 AM in the chat, We don't talk as much anymore but I always think of you as friends.

Hika: So I forgot him big fracking deal, seriously though your awesome, you have the most Twisted sense of humor EVER and you post the best YT links so, that's pretty much what I look for in a friend XD

Kiryn: A great writer and a good friend, maybe we can do a collab in the future.

Fireman: A good friend to the highest bidder.

Lyle: My friend and adversary...I respect and like you, I wish we could Brawl moar though...

Zero: Who?

Night: Sorry man XD, your a good friend and obviously would make a good Spy, you made em forget you exist XDDDDD

Doom: Hey man, your cool, we disagree on alot of things but your a good friend and abetter debater.

Fox: You are pretty awesome, Your probably one of the better Mods and your a good friend, (I'm sorry, I don't know you to well)

Arc: You scare me man, I'm really scared of you, but in a good way.

Hanz: MY god you are badass, FotC AND Dark Knight, NOW THAT IS OVER 9000

Edited by Toa Lord Sothe
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Matt: Your awesome man, your my brother, my best friend, I love you man. Ever since we became drinking buddies and started the trinity it's like I have a real family...

FEFL: The same man, I know that if the forest goes to hell you'll always have my back...I feel like when you first came, I was a sort of mentor, that's a cool feeling and it's nice haveing someone who I know is my friend.

Gatrie: We've both been through alot of shit, I feel like I can talk to you man, thanks. It was your idea to start the trinity and my friend it was a damn good one.

Masu: Dude...you are one of the best friends I could ever want, I know we got off to a bad start what with me wanting to bang Songbird and all but you've become one of my best friends and probably the only one who can rival my pervyness.

Branded: Your a badass, and I'm proud to call you a friend, Your a pretty cool dude and I love writing your character in my fic XD

Kilvas: Your like the sister I never had, your a good friend and I know I can talk to you if I ever need a shipment of Win.

Cynthia: You are a good friend, We have a smiler pervy sense of humor and I like your coolness and Leanne-ness and I hope we stay friends until one of us leaves XD

Cym and Des: We had some good times back in that August, at 3:00 AM in the chat, We don't talk as much anymore but I always think of you as friends.

Kiryn: A great writer and a good friend, maybe we can do a collab in the future.

Fireman: A good friend to the highest bidder.

Lyle: My friend and adversary...I respect and like you, I wish we could Brawl moar though...

Zero: Who?

I---*Swallows hard* Thanks man.....

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Matt: Your awesome man, your my brother, my best friend, I love you man. Ever since we became drinking buddies and started the trinity it's like I have a real family...

FEFL: The same man, I know that if the forest goes to hell you'll always have my back...I feel like when you first came, I was a sort of mentor, that's a cool feeling and it's nice haveing someone who I know is my friend.

Gatrie: We've both been through alot of shit, I feel like I can talk to you man, thanks. It was your idea to start the trinity and my friend it was a damn good one.

Masu: Dude...you are one of the best friends I could ever want, I know we got off to a bad start what with me wanting to bang Songbird and all but you've become one of my best friends and probably the only one who can rival my pervyness.

Branded: Your a badass, and I'm proud to call you a friend, Your a pretty cool dude and I love writing your character in my fic XD

Kilvas: Your like the sister I never had, your a good friend and I know I can talk to you if I ever need a shipment of Win.

Cynthia: You are a good friend, We have a smiler pervy sense of humor and I like your coolness and Leanne-ness and I hope we stay friends until one of us leaves XD

Cym and Des: We had some good times back in that August, at 3:00 AM in the chat, We don't talk as much anymore but I always think of you as friends.

Kiryn: A great writer and a good friend, maybe we can do a collab in the future.

Fireman: A good friend to the highest bidder.

Lyle: My friend and adversary...I respect and like you, I wish we could Brawl moar though...

Zero: Who?

*imitates neko arc chaos's voice and waves arms arround*


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Matt: Your awesome man, your my brother, my best friend, I love you man. Ever since we became drinking buddies and started the trinity it's like I have a real family...

FEFL: The same man, I know that if the forest goes to hell you'll always have my back...I feel like when you first came, I was a sort of mentor, that's a cool feeling and it's nice haveing someone who I know is my friend.

Gatrie: We've both been through alot of shit, I feel like I can talk to you man, thanks. It was your idea to start the trinity and my friend it was a damn good one.

Masu: Dude...you are one of the best friends I could ever want, I know we got off to a bad start what with me wanting to bang Songbird and all but you've become one of my best friends and probably the only one who can rival my pervyness.

Branded: Your a badass, and I'm proud to call you a friend, Your a pretty cool dude and I love writing your character in my fic XD

Kilvas: Your like the sister I never had, your a good friend and I know I can talk to you if I ever need a shipment of Win.

Cynthia: You are a good friend, We have a smiler pervy sense of humor and I like your coolness and Leanne-ness and I hope we stay friends until one of us leaves XD

Cym and Des: We had some good times back in that August, at 3:00 AM in the chat, We don't talk as much anymore but I always think of you as friends.

Kiryn: A great writer and a good friend, maybe we can do a collab in the future.

Fireman: A good friend to the highest bidder.

Lyle: My friend and adversary...I respect and like you, I wish we could Brawl moar though...

Zero: Who?

Night: Sorry man XD, your a good friend and obviously would make a good Spy, you made em forget you exist XDDDDD


2. lol you put Cym and Des together

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That's not nice.. I helped you out in a brawl tourny when I first joined. Sence then we don't talk much, but I would like to.

I mean, Come on!

Sorry man, I gotta keep up the running gag.

*A man wearing a shirt that says Gag runsby*


lol. . . I'm starting to wonder if we should've kept the fact that we're twins/related a secret. . .

Yeah, you really should have...

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Sorry man, I gotta keep up the running gag.

*A man wearing a shirt that says Gag runsby*


Yeah, you really should have...

Yea, everyone likes to do that. Don;t blame ya. XD

*Big Epic Tackle Laser Chocolate Covered Final Smahstastic Over 9000 Hugs Princess*

OMG!!! IT'S OVER 9000!!!! XD

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