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Salvage Blow Not Working


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I have Salvage Blow (which allegedly generates weapons when you kill a unit) on a My Castle Midori that I recruited from another castle. I also have Profiteer on her. I'm doing the Boo Camp DLC with assorted units with Profiteer. (More because I need gold than wanting to grind XP.)

Profiteer works just fine and I've had it proc several times, but Salvage Blow has not procced once. I'm not sure why not. Can you not have both Profiteer and Salvage Blow on the same character? Does it not work on DLC maps? Does it not work if it's a hired My Castle unit? Does it not work if you have a dual strike?

I'm honestly not sure why it's not working. I was hoping to maybe get a few extra weapons in addition to the gold bars.

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Salvage Blow activates depending on the equipped weapon of the defeated enemy. You'll receive an iron katana, naginata, club, shuriken, or yumi corresponding to the enemy's equipped weapon. So for example, defeating a ninja equipped with a silver shuriken will result in an iron shuriken.

The enemies in Boo Camp are Faceless, which do not use katanas, naginatas, clubs, shurikens, or yumi. As such, Salvage Blow will not activate.

Edited by BChan8397
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Salvage Blow activates depending on the equipped weapon of the defeated enemy. You'll receive an iron katana, naginata, club, shuriken, or yumi corresponding to the enemy's equipped weapon. So for example, defeating a ninja equipped with a silver shuriken will result in an iron shuriken.

The enemies in Boo Camp are Faceless, which do not use katanas, naginatas, clubs, shurikens, or yumi. As such, Salvage Blow will not activate.

Thank you very much, that would explain it.

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