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GameStop Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition Update!


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Alright. First off, I pre-ordered my special edition at GameStop in store. I fully paid it off right then and there so I could just pick it up on release day.

Release day comes and my store was only sent ONE COPY. I was told they called about four or five people from my local store, and they had sent fourteen emails to Nintendo that day to ask if they were ever going to send more.

Obviously since I had paid it off, they wanted to make it right for me. I was told they had reserved both the keychains and both physical copies of Birthright and Conquest along with a $20 gift card for the map pack I had also paid off. Since he said that they had only sent the emails the day before, I told him that I would wait and see what happens. Just in case, because that's me. Their store manager gets in touch with me as well, and he tells me that he's going to try his hardest to try and find me a copy, if not I still have the games set aside just for me.

Last Monday, I got a call from the store manager. He said he has sent calls and emails to their district managers trying to track me down one, and also that their Corporate Offices had emailed them saying "We have acknowledged the low amount of stock we received for our customers who pre-ordered the special edition of fire emblem fates. We have gotten reply back from Nintendo and we hope to work out something by the end of the week" So here I am still being hopeful, but also still doubting that I'm going to get my copy since it's basically out everywhere and there's only ones from scalpers online.

Here's the big news. Today I received a phone call from the store manager again. I was so scared of it being bad news. IT WASN'T. Today I was confirmed that I am getting my copy of Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition! They're shipping it to my store, and it should be here by no later than the first of the month!

Whether it was because they tracked one down internally for me, or if they got more stock from Nintendo, I completely forgot to ask. I will ask tomorrow and will update here when I can. The fact of the matter is, if you haven't settled for the two games, make sure you call your GameStop and ask if they can track you down a copy! You might just get as lucky as me and receive your copy :)

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Update: Got a call from the Store Manager and got my Special Edition copy today! I did ask where they might've got it from, and I was told that they didn't tell him. But again, I do have my copy now and am currently playing along with listening to Lost In Thoughts All Alone over and over. :)

Anyone got the piano sheet music for that?

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