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Hello everyone. My interests are related to Japanese culture (anime, manga, games, the standard stuff) and music (currently learning the guitar and piano, currently failing). Also something about a certain hairstyle and a certain program.

My first experience with Fire Emblem was due to smash (Roy > Marth) and I got interested in it. Then 7 came out and I found out FE is a punishing game since your units die when they are killed (messed up a turn and Florina was shot down, didn't realize it was permanent until I couldn't use her next chapter and ever again. Now I gotta play Fire Emblem with no deaths.

Hope to be friends with you all!

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Hatsune Miku. I picked up Japanese classes and joined my Japanese Conversation Club so I could understand her songs better. Too bad I got into metal (and the guitar) in my second year of university and now all the songs I listen to use so much complex words. At least I can converse with the exchange students now :D:

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Welcome to the forums, TwintailsMiku!

I'm quite enamored with Japanese culture myself, their way of doing things seems so gentle and elegant. A lot of finesse was put into their customs and it's something I plan to learn even more about in the future.

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