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Usenti Losing Colors


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Ok my problem is Usenti keeps losing colors. No matter how hard I try, It keeps trying to reduce colors instead of keeping them and letting me worry about that. My question is how do I permanently stop unsenti from doing this stupid shit because I am currently working on making every GBAFE animation the same color so people can splice without abandon and losing time/pixels to usenti's bullshit. Any ideas?

Edited by MrNight48
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Uhh... I'm actually not exactly sure what you mean

But the likely answer to your question is that certain RGB values get combined together (based on closeness to another color and deviance from the current bit-per-tint setting of your usenti, it seems). This can be avoided by increasing the difference in colors.

But I mean... you probably already knew that.

So I have to ask exactly what're you doing?

Are you pasting the sheets into usenti? (if so, usenti doesn't allow the palette to be edited when you paste-- it approximates the pasted colors to the currently extant colors)

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Ok what I am doing is taking just about every animation from the FE GBA series and get them down to one palette so that when one wants to create an animation using existing assets, they can splice away without having to worry about the palette and can just change it to whatever they desire later.

It will look something like this:


edit: bigger hopefully


The goal here is any artist can take that sheet and mix and match bases for whatever frames they need to create. Like say you are creating a female lord who has a similar fighting style to lyn. You can take her bases and add eilwood's cape to get an idea. This new female noble wields a blade similar to hector's great lord sword, so you add that in as well and so on. Once you are done cleaning up the frames, you just recolor the palette easily using usenti without it having to force down colors of the splices potentially fucking up all your work. Ironically I am having that same problem when trying to take the animations and setting them to the master palette for the sheet. Lyn was the hardest because, whatever reason, usenti hated the dark brown and kept trying to get rid of it. I had to use a careful work around to get her changed palette frames onto my master sheet but once I got her on it, no more problems.

Anyway will keep brute forcing it until I figure out a solution or my project succeeds somehow.

edit: accidentally marked my post as best answer >.>

Edited by MrNight48
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I unmarked the answer for you since you said the question wasn't solved yet.

Thanks, your suggestion in FE universe is what I'm doing right now until a more permanent solution comes up. I am determined to slay this problem because this is what sucks the fun out of making animations for me.

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