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Question regarding ending (SPOILERS)


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Hi, my question is actually related to the post-credits. There comes a point where the game asks you to select 5 characters from your roster, but doesn't tell you to what end. Could someone explain to me what is happening when this occurs? When I try to search it, the terms I use are so ambiguous that I find completely unrelated discussions.

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Er, sorry I wasn't more clear. What I meant was, if you beat the game 2 times and choose Jakob twice for example. does he appear in your logbook 2 different times (one for each game playthough)?

But I guess that's what nordopolica was clearing up, so thank you!

Edited by LiterallyAPegasus
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Er, sorry I wasn't more clear. What I meant was, if you beat the game 2 times and choose Jakob twice for example. does he appear in your logbook 2 different times (one for each game playthough)?

But I guess that's what nordopolica was clearing up, so thank you!

To clarify more; yep! You'll get two separate Jakobs. In fact, I'm pretty sure (though I've never done this myself) that you can go back to the same file, finish the game again, and export the exact same character as you did the last time to get two identical or near-identical characters. Not sure about that one, but the former is a definite yes.

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Oh, to piggyback on this question: A character in your logbook. What is the purpose? Can you purchase their skills in another file, or simply buy them for use as a silent, strange clone of the real unit?

You can purchase their skills or pay up to recruit them.

Now, in the same save file, if you try to export the same group of people, the game will make you overwrite them. However, on separate save files, you can export the same unit without overwriting the old one.

This ALSO occurs if you've been using the same avatar (no matter what save file) and want to export them, so you won't have like 3 avatars with the same name but different skills.

Edited by Fallaner
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