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Children S Supports?


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it's basically the same as Awakening though I assume you never played that considering everything you said. Kamui can S Rank everyone so that includes children. and yes it would mean another Paralogue (if w/ Kamui) since Kamui has a child associated with them but otherwise no. Kamui is the only Gen I that Gen II can S Support also

Edited by GoXDS
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it's basically the same as Awakening though I assume you never played that considering everything you said. Kamui can S Rank everyone so that includes children. and yes it would mean another Paralogue (if w/ Kamui) since Kamui has a child associated with them but otherwise no. Kamui is the only Gen I that Gen II can S Support also

Thanks for the info! I did play awakening, although I kinda just played through and didn't delve much into supports and lineage. Trying to really get the most out of fates!

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