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Peri as Xander's retainer


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The word 'understanding' is definitely close enough and can be used in the context we are discussing.

A) "Do you understand the assignment?" --> In this case the speaker is talking about a mental or finite understanding. This is purely based on fact and is a concrete process that someone can immediately or eventually grasp.

B) "If not, go speak to Professor Jones. I'm sure he'll be able to recommend a tutor. He may even let you do a make up assignment. He's very understanding." <-- This is understanding in an emotional or compassionate sense. This is not a requirement of the individual in question, but rather a quality of that person. The word more commonly used for this kind of understand would by sympathy or empathy, depending on the situation. (Feeling sorry for an individual or trying to see the situation from their perspective, respectively.)

It is entirely possible to understand something mentally but be incapable for any number of reasons from having that understanding transcend to a sense of sympathy or empathy, actually experiencing for / with the character or feeling for what the character has experienced.

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So, here's a copypasta of my post explaining why Peri is love, from the old Pieri Appreciation Topic on gamefaqs, which I was fairly active in until it became a foolish mess:

As might be guessed from the fanart, me. She's cool, cute, sexy, and slightly unhinged, all in one package.

It doesn't get much better than that. Plain moeblobs like Felicia are pretty boring IMHO.

Sure, I'm not blind to her psychosis; and that isn't normal. She's in a regret cycle from her mothers death, who contributed so much to her life, including her cooking skills, only for it to be snatched away by jealousy and greed. As it was a servant that did it, she has personified these negative qualities into all servants as a standard. Seeking to find why he did it, she herself attempts to find joy in bloodshed, and does to an extent, but it is hollow and transitory and only serves to remind her of her tragedies.

Despite this, she soldiers on, loyally serving the crown prince and giving anger management classes on the side. The fact that she hasn't just broken down entirely is actually a testament to her resiliance. Girl's a heck of trooper.
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I was iffy on Peri too till I started to do her supports and learned more about her. Putting it under a spoiler because support talk.

She can be very kind and is easily the best cook in Conquest. Like seriously I love having her in the Mess Hall because of what she makes. Yeah, the whole killing thing is bland and unattractive as a character, but when you start to learn why she does this stuff, while it doesn't instantly make her an amazing "oh my god you poor thing you can do anything you want" character, it makes her... for lack of a better word, human.

As for why Xander accepted her as his retainer, which by the way he did have a choice about if you read about him and Laslow, it's rather simple. People hate Peri. I don't mean here or in the real world, I mean in-game. Peri is always mentioning how people look at her like she's the most messed up thing imaginable, Leo even tries to correct her morals during their supports (and in my case, S support). Xander saw past the whole "I want to kill anyone who looks at me funny" part and saw the more kind side to Peri, which does exist. During Corrin's supports with Peri, Corrin suggests that Peri share her cooking with others, which makes very positive results.

So yeah, she's clearly not for everyone, unless you can be like Xander and see past her faults and focus on what's good about her. Everyone has faults, there's no such thing as perfection.

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Garon: "Son, I know she's from a noble family, but don't you think you should reconsider this?"

Xander: "No!"

Garon: "I mean, there are a LOT of other more experienced and...professional knights out there who are NOT crazy and who'd love to serve you!"

Xander: "No!"

Garon: "*Sigh* could you at least tell me why?"


Garon: "...Fair enough."

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Garon: "Son, I know she's from a noble family, but don't you think you should reconsider this?"

Xander: "No!"

Garon: "I mean, there are a LOT of other more experienced and...professional knights out there who are NOT crazy and who'd love to serve you!"

Xander: "No!"

Garon: "*Sigh* could you at least tell me why?"


Garon: "...Fair enough."

lol nice m8

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Garon: "Son, I know she's from a noble family, but don't you think you should reconsider this?"

Xander: "No!"

Garon: "I mean, there are a LOT of other more experienced and...professional knights out there who are NOT crazy and who'd love to serve you!"

Xander: "No!"

Garon: "*Sigh* could you at least tell me why?"


Garon: "...Fair enough."

I was about to say I don't know if that's IC for Garon but then I realized shit like this is probably in character.

No wonder Xander had a long time defecting!

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I was about to say I don't know if that's IC for Garon but then I realized shit like this is probably in character.

No wonder Xander had a long time defecting!

Look, anything besides Garon kicking puppies and having moustache-twirling competitions with Iago every Sunday is out of character.

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Look, anything besides Garon kicking puppies and having moustache-twirling competitions with Iago every Sunday is out of character.

Garon acting like Garon is out of character. That's how out of character he is.

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Look, anything besides Garon kicking puppies and having moustache-twirling competitions with Iago every Sunday is out of character.

What Karis said:

Garon acting like Garon is out of character. That's how out of character he is.

We know that little about the actual Garon.

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Garon: "Son, I know she's from a noble family, but don't you think you should reconsider this?"

Xander: "No!"

Garon: "I mean, there are a LOT of other more experienced and...professional knights out there who are NOT crazy and who'd love to serve you!"

Xander: "No!"

Garon: "*Sigh* could you at least tell me why?"


Garon: "...Fair enough."

The point I've been making all along. Xander is a strong believer in "No waifu, no laifu."

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Peri has shifted a lot in my impressions of her since she was revealed. I thought she had a pretty unique if quirky design and personality, but her murderous nature turned me off and I'm not a fan of the third person person way of speaking even if it fits the character, so that didn't help. Then I was pleasantly surprised to see her subtle localization changes which dropped her third person speech for a casual way of talking (well, casual for a noblewoman), and that while her love of killing isn't necessarily good, its explained why she is the way she is and that when not focusing on that she has pretty good qualities in a retainer, like her loyalty and unwillingness to go down without a fight. Not quite the same, but almost like the Henry treatment, which I liked. I ended up having paired enough people already that I threw her with Xander at the last minute since there wasn't really anyone else, and I like the supports enough that I don't regret it, and it kinda makes a bit more sense than Charlotte imo. While she would certainly qualify as a eccentric Nohrian queen, I really doubt she'd be completely terrible, as IIRC I believe her ending states that she does change for the better while keeping her quirky nature.

Got nothing against Xander/Charlotte, I'm just Benny/Charlotte 4 life! <3

Well, I came up with several headcanon stuff to fix that.

For Pieri, I had the servant who killed her mother be someone highly trusted by the family and her, like the faculty head, or a Pieri's nanny. This would make the murder far more traumatic to her, and her "motive" to murder her servants would be paranoia that they would betray and kill her just like her mother, and the claiming they annoyed her is just a excuse to act on that fear and her still being too emotionally damaged to fully comprehend her emotions.

For Xander, he knows of Pieri's past, and sympathize with her because he went through something similar. He would also had a little sister he was close to that Pieri reminded him of. Though I'm having second thoughts on that as it's pretty cliche and I still haven't decided how she would die.

Does that flesh them out any?

I accept your headcanon and would replace the actual canon with it. XD

I wish all the characters could be fleshed out more, they had decent concepts but nothing to make them really shine, just gimmicks. Even the main characters, with more characterization than most, suffer.

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While she would certainly qualify as a eccentric Nohrian queen, I really doubt she'd be completely terrible, as IIRC I believe her ending states that she does change for the better while keeping her quirky nature.

Not to mention I imagine having her child mellows her out a bit; she seems to end up being a decent mum in her P/C supports. Though I realise child supports are fairly generic (though I do like the fact that they gave everyone some differences, and its quite evident when you compare them, like Kanna noticing the flower book has blood on it in Peri's version lol), the fact that its implying Peri can do normal mother things normally is a massive stride in a positive direction, right?

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Ive learned with the past two Fire Emblem games that you either have to ignore parts, or come up with headcanons for the more gimmicky characters in order to enjoy them. Its almost required to do this with some characters now, and even in the older games. Example being Shinon. There was no reason for Ike to let him back into the army, especially after he betrayed the mercenaries, and joined with the Mad King himself. He joined the side that was clearly evil to make some money, and deserved nothing more than to die of the battlefield with all the other supporters of Ashnard. It shows what kind of person he is, and completely ruined his character for me. So in Radiant Dawn I had to just ignore that part if I wanted to enjoy the other aspects of his character.

When it comes to Peri/Pieri I just have to ignore the butler killing stuff. Its not hard to do since most of her supports kind of already ignore it. Its also why I have a hard time pairing her with anyone but Laslow as he is the only one that really gets her to realize what she is doing is wrong, and she actually changes because of that support. That and the S Support was one of those that didn't feel rushed and came a little more naturally for the two characters.

Edited by Tolvir
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What annoys me the most about Pieri is most of her supports go out of their way to make her look like an angel. The main ones that come to mind are Lazward, Kamui, Leon and Charlotte, but there're probably other ones that do it. Her supports with Benoit and Luna treat her attitude like it's a joke or a lovable character trait as well, which kiiiinda gets my goat. She isn't really excusable just because she has a sad backstory, and it's not cute or amusing. The fact that she's a playable character makes it even worse, imo. The villains of the game are actually treated like villains because of their actions, while it's alright for her to do it because she's a "good guy". Bleh.

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The villains of the game are actually treated like villains because of their actions, while it's alright for her to do it because she's a "good guy". Bleh.

This is a recurring theme in fates. And it's really fucking annoying.

It's like the writers think the players can't think for themselves, and that we'll blindly swallow whatever they tell us is right or wrong.

Edited by BruceLee
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