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Odd Path Bonus Predicament


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Hello, SF. I just joined a moment ago (something I've avoided for quite some time for no reason at all) just to ask for advice about an odd situation I'm in. I pre-ordered Conquest some few days before release, while also paying for the Birthright bonus pre-order (mainly cuz of the keychains). I expected a digital code for Birthright, as the cashier told me, but no I got a straight up fresh physical copy. This would honestly be fine if that wasn't at the cost of losing out on Path Bonus. No seriously, I've booted up both copies of the game, have a file on each, and hopefully wished the path bonus worked. Obviously it didn't, which is honestly the strangest part. DLC I believe is shared and hell I even noticed the branch point being immediately unlocked with my Conquest MU being already premade on Birthright. This might be common knowledge to several people by now, but each copy Fates generally shares similar data or something (I'm not exactly computer savvy). This means everything from Revelations down to Branch Point is shared between the two physical copies. Everything except Path Bonus, which is pretty bad due to the loss of Dread Fighter til Revelation release and the potential of never getting Dark Falcon. Is there something I missed or did IS really not think someone would get two physical copies. As far as I'm concerned the two ways to have Path Bonus without ordering the special edition would either be a digital and physical copy of the two versions, or both games as digital. I'd really appreciate it someone gave me some recommendations cuz I'm quite frustrated as of writing this. I seriously do not want to lose game content, no matter how small, because of something that would have been pretty nice.

I'm also mad because the first post and probably one of the few posts I'll have here is a f****** rant

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