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Conquest Chapter 27 advice? (Spoilers)


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Well, I beat Conquest last week and will start a new file again on that path. However, there is one thing that is bugging me. In chapter 27, there are three lancers with but both counter and magiccounter. What is the best way to deal with them? Just go ham at them? In my run, I had to some how get rid of all the enemies except for the three lancers and lure them away from the boss with siegbert. When they are far enough, I sent the royal siblings towards the boss and defeat him. The counters would have killed my units if I just engage them...

Are there any recommended methods in getting rid of them?

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The way I deal is by ignoring them until all enemies are dead except for them. When that happens I send my entire army through the middle and take highest hp units to deal initial damage before sending my stronger, less hp units to kill them. Units that only get one hit in are better for the initial hit to let the double hitters attack without taking huge amounts of counter. I also had lifetaker on a lot of my units [granted most of them were mages regardless] and that helped healing be minimized after the lancers died, which usually was in a single turn.

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Counter only works on Player Phase, so just put xander in their range and have him murder everyone. They hit hard though, so I wouldnt put him too far in. Once you clear them out a bit, just rush them with javelins/hand axes/ninjas. They're not too tough statswise

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You can soften them with bows or any 2-range physical weapons (Tomahawk, Siegfried...).

I had Xander paired-up with Effie (he had so much defense, the soldiers refused to attack him) poke them, then sent my army kill them from the stairs

Edited by Sartek
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I just beat Conquest last night, and I suggest using non-magic ranged attacks. The lancers can't counter stuff like Siegfried or javelins, they can't even counter arrows. Now, if you sent Niles in there to kill one, he might not come out alive, but it depends on your setup and pairings. Oh, and enemies can't counter if they're dead. It sounds obvious, but it's always nice to remember that if the attack you made kills the enemy, they won't be able to counter, so if you've got your attack stat high enough on Corrin or Keaton or whoever you please, then go ahead and one-shot to your heart's content.

I wasn't able to one-shot these guys, since they were pretty tanky, though.

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You kinda just want to lunge things out of the way and run straight at the boss, but if you really want them dead...(or anything in this game really)

Critblick them with sorc!Ophelia/odin or Hammer Zerker!Arthur.

They all break 70% inherent critical so counter/any enemy skill not named miracle means jack shit to them.

Edited by joshcja
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