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Children to avoid?


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Mitama is bad because she comes from Azama, who isn't that good himself. Class line isn't that good either. She is great in min/max pvp type stuff, but for main game she is pretty bad.

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All the royal children. Looking at how cool their parents looked I was expecting something amazing, but I just ended up disapointed when I saw them, probably much in the same way as the parents felt. In my opinon they're just so weak, design wise. Xander's kid has an ugly mullet, Ryoma's kid looks okay except for the front part of his hair, Leo' kid is alright but he should have been a female for differentiation since all the other royal children are male, Takumi's kid is... LOL, they just chopped off Takumi's ponytail and called it a new character and Takumi was already bad, Azura's son, again, dumb looking hair, and Kana is just not as good as Morgan. The days of cool royal children like Lucina are gone. Well at least most of the other children look good, but it's obvious they spent more effort on the first gen characters this time around.

Oh, and avoid...


Edited by SilverPants
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Honestly any that you want.

Kiragi is chill sunshine child, Shiro is a bro, Forrest is pretty potent magically...

only kids i'm staying away from are the three awakening returners

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From a pure gameplay perspective? None. The Maps themselves are another source of EXP, so it's great if your doing a No Grind Birthright or Revelation run or are just playing Conquest in general. If you're really picky and don't want to do them all, I seem to remember Shephen posting the items some of the Paralogue's had somewhere... lemme try and find it.

Edit: Here ya go

Dwyer - Physic, Mend, Sun Festal

Caeldori - Swordcatcher

Seigbert - Javelin

Ignatius - Javelin

Velouria - Guard Beastone

Percy - Hand Axe
Ophelia - at end of level, Missletainn [personal tome]

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As previously stated, it really depends on your personal preference. You want that child unit? Then recruit them. You don't? Then don't bother unless you want their map for experience and items. If you feel like your army is missing something critical to its success, then a child unit can make a solid contribution.

For example, I never used Nyx as I found her too fragile to properly train, and Odin was always sub par in magic for me, so I never really used mages (even went as far as to reclass Odin to samurai). His daughter, Ophelia, for me filled a vital magic gap that had existed in my force since the beginning. She is the only child unit I actively use though. The others are just bench warmers I recruited simply because I needed the experience and items their maps provided.

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Mitama is bad because she comes from Azama, who isn't that good himself. Class line isn't that good either. She is great in min/max pvp type stuff, but for main game she is pretty bad.

Azama is fantastic, staves give great exp and his promo gains are ballistic, becomes an instant frontline unit

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Get them all because their chapters can give you EXP and dragon points for My Castle. Then you can have the ones you don't like sit out forever and cry.

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Ophelia's paralouge gives horse spirit/calamity gate/lightning (brave tome), and missletain.

Nina's gives a seal, goddess icon, shining bow.

As for kids to avoid actually using? None they're all decent at the very least.

(Ophelia/Sophie/Percy are just hilariously good though, even compared to the likes of kana)

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As stated above, chose from personal preference as, combined with the right parents and given the right class, all the children can have some sort of function. When I played through Conquest, I had basically benched all my other units, save the royals minus Camilla, for their children.

I gave Odin and Nyx to Elise and Leo, respectively. Ophelia was blasted through waves of opponents in her Sorcerer class combined with her personal weapon. Forrest did the same despite starting with E-rank in tomes. Percy was a tank with his mother as Effie and Ignis came out well with Camilla as his mother. Surprisingly, Soliel came out well with Mozu as her mother and Sophie worked well with Selena as mommy. Seigbert... He was a good unit but he kept getting bopped within two turns of being on the field.

Basically, its up to you.

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Kid paralogue is really exp-lucrative to the point of feeling like cheating (I felt bad doing them bc i got so fed in them and then I remember Kana's paralogue and don't feel bad anymore) so just get the kids of whoever you're using and if you don't like them, bench em. I ran 7 kid paralogues because they exist and only used Shiro. And Kana as Shiro's pairup.

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Kid paralogue is really exp-lucrative to the point of feeling like cheating (I felt bad doing them bc i got so fed in them and then I remember Kana's paralogue and don't feel bad anymore) so just get the kids of whoever you're using and if you don't like them, bench em. I ran 7 kid paralogues because they exist and only used Shiro. And Kana as Shiro's pairup.

Some of the Hoshidan ones (Kisaragi, Kana, sorta Dwyer) are absolutely ridiculously exp lucrative since they have 20/6 enemies and and a few 20/18 enemies who give way too much exp, but some others like Forrest's and Velouria's are kinda stingy.

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Some of the Hoshidan ones (Kisaragi, Kana, sorta Dwyer) are absolutely ridiculously exp lucrative since they have 20/6 enemies and and a few 20/18 enemies who give way too much exp, but some others like Forrest's and Velouria's are kinda stingy.

Yeah Ryoma ended up like, --/19 at endgame and I definitely did not feed him on those super overlevelled pegasi in Kana's

of course I did

I remember there's some in Caeldori and Midori's too

though some of the ones in Midori's is a bit harder to get to considering gotta catch that boss don't have all day

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