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Well, I guess I'm done for now...


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Yeah, Corrinetta is my Corrin's name. :P And yeah, I was able to finish Xander in one turn. Though I did kill the general in front of the door for a little exp. It got Hana another level since she did the finishing blow. I had a couple other peeps attack him first.

But I see. And don't worry about spoiling me of Conquest's story, I don't care there because I never intended to play it. But damn...

But... At least I wouldn't have to kill Ryoma myself... What about Elise's sacrifice though? Does Sakura do the same thing and Ryoma accidentally kills her too? I'd hate for that to happen. Ryoma doesn't seem at ALL like he'd do the things Xander has done. He's even said something along the lines of not wanting to fight, but wanting peace. He seems like if he was in Xander's position, he'd actually listen. Still, now Xander said he knew all along that Garon wasn't who he used to be. I ask again, WHY DIDN'T HE LISTEN? Who cares about his stupid crown prince status, if he really wanted to help Nohr, he'd listen! Ugh, he's written so damn poorly in Birthright.

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Yeah, Corrinetta is my Corrin's name. :P And yeah, I was able to finish Xander in one turn. Though I did kill the general in front of the door for a little exp. It got Hana another level since she did the finishing blow. I had a couple other peeps attack him first.

But I see. And don't worry about spoiling me of Conquest's story, I don't care there because I never intended to play it. But damn...

But... At least I wouldn't have to kill Ryoma myself... What about Elise's sacrifice though? Does Sakura do the same thing and Ryoma accidentally kills her too? I'd hate for that to happen. Ryoma doesn't seem at ALL like he'd do the things Xander has done. He's even said something along the lines of not wanting to fight, but wanting peace. He seems like if he was in Xander's position, he'd actually listen. Still, now Xander said he knew all along that Garon wasn't who he used to be. I ask again, WHY DIDN'T HE LISTEN? Who cares about his stupid crown prince status, if he really wanted to help Nohr, he'd listen! Ugh, he's written so damn poorly in Birthright.

Sakura does NOT die. You really, REALLY go out on a limb to keep her alive and prevent Garon's people from executing her. She's captured basically kept alone (but Elise can visit her) in her own chapter before you fight the rest of the family in their own chapters. Also, in Ryoma's case, he thinks you killed Hinoka (you took her Naginata as a trophy) and thus goes kinda crazy for a bit until you beat him (you're supposed to fight him in single combat, like with Xander), seeing as he thinks you killed a member of the family (Iago being right behind you while you were showing him that REALLY doesn't help matters)

Edited by Fallaner
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Well, sounds like Ryoma is better handled in Conquest than Xander is in Birthright. I'm glad to hear that, I really am. Never have I been so glad to get spoilers, honestly.

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Because to really understand a character, you need to put yourself in their shoes. As the crown prince you really just can't say "fuck everything" He's a stubborn fool and that is one of his character flaws, but he's a complex and tragic character and really shouldn't be simplified like that. I like both niichans, really. I'm not saying you have to like Xander, but do try to at least see his pov from time to time.

As for Ryoma, I argue he wasn't fighting at his fullest either--though in his case it's a lot less on purpose letting you win and more letting grief get to his head. Basically, even though you saved Hinoka, Garon wanted her dead and so you take her lance as "proof of death". Iago takes that and really rubs it in Ryoma which makes him VERY angry.

However, given everything I know about Ryoma's character, that would reduce his battle effectiveness significantly, because he's at his best when he's calm--given that he meditates under a waterfall for 2 hours a day or something. For a very skill-based martial artist like Ryoma, rage is the last thing he wants to do.

IMO Corn probably can't beat either niichan if they're both at full capacity without grief acting as some level (moreso in Xander's case) of, for lack of a better word, debuff.

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Well yeah, I never said Xander should just go "fuck everything." And I did try to see things from his point of view to try and get an understanding of why he's acting the way he is. But I couldn't and could only keep shaking my head or facepalming. Sorry, Thor...

Ryoma's case just sounds more understandable to me, being angry because he thinks Corrin killed his sister. I'd be angry too if I were him! But Xander, I just can't find an excuse for him.

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Well, sounds like Ryoma is better handled in Conquest than Xander is in Birthright. I'm glad to hear that, I really am. Never have I been so glad to get spoilers, honestly.

Spoilers: Rarely a good thing! Sometimes however, somehow, they end up as good things.

Your concerns may be put to rest: Ryoma is written really quite well in Conquest (at least to me). Honestly, I think Conquest had the better story and better most things, compared to Birthright. But some of that is due to Nohr character bias (the only Hoshido characters I REALLY like are the Royal Family)

Though Takumi though. I hope you didn't like him. He goes WAY off the wall in Conquest. I freaking hated him due to it until I played Birthright and grew to like him, and then played Revelation where I finally accepted him as part of the family. Somehow it still works though, and comes off as rather well written, especially due to parts of Birthright.

Because to really understand a character, you need to put yourself in their shoes. As the crown prince you really just can't say "fuck everything" He's a stubborn fool and that is one of his character flaws, but he's a complex and tragic character and really shouldn't be simplified like that. I like both niichans, really. I'm not saying you have to like Xander, but do try to at least see his pov from time to time.

As for Ryoma, I argue he wasn't fighting at his fullest either--though in his case it's a lot less on purpose letting you win and more letting grief get to his head. Basically, even though you saved Hinoka, Garon wanted her dead and so you take her lance as "proof of death". Iago takes that and really rubs it in Ryoma which makes him VERY angry.

However, given everything I know about Ryoma's character, that would reduce his battle effectiveness significantly, because he's at his best when he's calm--given that he meditates under a waterfall for 2 hours a day or something. For a very skill-based martial artist like Ryoma, rage is the last thing he wants to do.

IMO Corn probably can't beat either niichan if they're both at full capacity without grief acting as some level (moreso in Xander's case) of, for lack of a better word, debuff.

I would have to concur with this assessment as well. Xander has a lot of pressures as Crown Prince and is really quite stubborn. I really do like both big brothers and adore them (though i'd never marry either. Instead I marry Leo.)

But yeah, Ryoma DEFINITELY seems like he'd fight better when calm, so him having gone kinda crazy with grief and rage really didn't help him. An angry fighter makes dumb mistakes. While they may on paper (and practice) be stronger, they will make more mistakes and be less proficient, they'd really only have brute force, which I would say really isn't Ryoma's strong suite from what i've seen. Skill over brute force. It's like that for pretty much everyone but fighters and berserkers. Which is why they (fighters and berserkers) can never hit anything.

Thalia would probably never beat both big brothers without high tier Yato and absurd levels of training. That'd be like the only way to win without them handicapping themselves, in my opinion.

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Well, sounds like Ryoma is better handled in Conquest than Xander is in Birthright. I'm glad to hear that, I really am. Never have I been so glad to get spoilers, honestly.

Conquest shows the good side of the Nohr characters but also paints the Hoshido characters in a light that doesn't make you hate them. Ryoma is awesome in Conquest, actually.

I strongly suggest you don't fully dismiss playing Conquest. You might end up enjoying it more than you think.

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Conquest shows the good side of the Nohr characters but also paints the Hoshido characters in a light that doesn't make you hate them. Ryoma is awesome in Conquest, actually.

I strongly suggest you don't fully dismiss playing Conquest. You might end up enjoying it more than you think.

I see. Truth be told though, Birthright only made me hate Xander, it didn't make me hate any of the others, including Camilla, though that's because I already hated her. xP Leo was annoying at first, but over time, I got cool with him. Birthright didn't make me hate him at all, it made me like him a little more.

Well, I'm just not that big on many of the Nohr characters or what I've heard of the story, and I hear Conquest is pretty hard, even on normal difficulty. I struggled a bit towards the end with Birthright on normal, I'm not sure I can last five minutes on any difficulty in Conquest.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm pretty hesitant to have to fight Ryoma at all... Or some of the other Hoshido characters.

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You could always do casual.

I really think Conquest is good to get a more complete picture of the characters--one of my own draws to Ryoma is the contrast between a Ryoma in control and getting shit going his way and how he acts then in Birthright, compared to a Ryoma who's a lot sadder and everything is going wrong and he loses his shit in Conquest, and it's a very interesting contrast and I really like it for his character. I don't like to disappoint Ryoma by joining Nohr as much as the next Ryoma fan, but I do think it's good for his character.

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I could, but prefer going classic... No, I'm not one of those elitists that say classic is the proper and only way FE should be played or anything. I just like how perma-death adds a feel of realism to the game, even though on occasion, I get frustrated when I'm having trouble keeping my units alive.

But it would be interesting to see a Ryoma that can't keep his cool. lol

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I see. Truth be told though, Birthright only made me hate Xander, it didn't make me hate any of the others, including Camilla, though that's because I already hated her. xP Leo was annoying at first, but over time, I got cool with him. Birthright didn't make me hate him at all, it made me like him a little more.

Well, I'm just not that big on many of the Nohr characters or what I've heard of the story, and I hear Conquest is pretty hard, even on normal difficulty. I struggled a bit towards the end with Birthright on normal, I'm not sure I can last five minutes on any difficulty in Conquest.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm pretty hesitant to have to fight Ryoma at all... Or some of the other Hoshido characters.

Conquest toward the end (and some of the start) was very hard for me on Normal/Casual, and I had 0 problem with Birthright OR Revelation. So... yeah, Conquest is HARD.

I was hesitant to fight Leo (I married him, after all) or any of the other siblings, But I declared that I had to play Birthright before playing Revelation, and thus soldiered through it, even though I dreaded the inevitable that I guessed was going to happen.

Conquest made me hate Takumi at first, though he substantially redeemed himself through Birthright and Revelation.

You could always do casual.

I really think Conquest is good to get a more complete picture of the characters--one of my own draws to Ryoma is the contrast between a Ryoma in control and getting shit going his way and how he acts then in Birthright, compared to a Ryoma who's a lot sadder and everything is going wrong and he loses his shit in Conquest, and it's a very interesting contrast and I really like it for his character. I don't like to disappoint Ryoma by joining Nohr as much as the next Ryoma fan, but I do think it's good for his character.

I will agree with this. Seeing both sides actually shows quite a bit about each character in my opinion. I disliked siding against the Nohr Family (I liked Nohr royal family more at first, though after some more of seeing Ryoma I grew to like him more, and started disliking fighting the Hoshido family even in Conquest [i found myself apologizing to them after beating them in their map, I also did that when playing Birthright]. ...Minus Takumi, at least when I first played Conquest) but I ended up needing to do it to see both sides and get a somewhat better view of the characters.

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Yeah, see, it sounds like I'd have a lot of problems in Conquest. xP

Hey! We're always here to help you out! We can even start throwing My Castle codes at you with powerful skills for everyone that you can inherit at discount for beating easily set up My Castles!

We can also just give you advice.

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Yeah, but I still don't like the idea of having a lot of problems regardless...

Totally understandable. You could always just ask around for the Conquest storyline or watch someone plays it so you get the general idea of what goes on there.

Still say you should play it yourself though. Problems are things you should try to overcome! At least in my opinion.

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Maybe, I was considering it after finding Elise so adorable. :)

Elise can get rather powerful if used right, actually. She's adorable and can pack a punch.

If you end up playing either Conquest or Revelation, i'd advise putting her in the Maid class at least temporarily. The "Live to Serve" skill (Or whatever it's called. I'm being too lazy conquering Japan in Shogun 2 to check) is really quite helpful for her when she gets hit and is running around playing healer. (Note: Take any suggestion of mine that might result in people dying with a grain of salt, I play on Casual, remember? Live to Serve is still sometimes quite helpful i'd imagine however.)

Though she has really terrible defense growths, at least for me. Her resistance is pretty good however, which means you definitely want to keep her out of the way as much as possible. Her HP growth is also really poor, much like Sakura's. ..Though I think Sakura has a better HP growth than Elise, given how my Sakura and Elise are roughly at the same level, and i've had to use two Seraph's robes to get Elise closer to Sakura's. ...And she's still behind.

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Sakura's pretty ripped for a healer, ngl. She has pretty good HP and decent bulk and can go physical if she wants to. Elise going physical is not happening in a million years.

Her Physical stat was terrible for me.

Which is why I went for Shining Bow (+1) for her weapon. I named it Sakura's Love.

But Sakura gets much more defensive and much more survivable compared to Elise (better Hp growth and a guaranteed heal skill each turn). ...And she's still a healer.

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As reasons for playing Conquest go, finding Elise adorable is hardly a bad one, I think. I was indifferent to her before starting the game, and now she's one of my favorite characters.

Same with Xander (minus the adorable part... but others might disagree). I like all four of the royals a lot, which is one big reason I'm enjoying the story, I think... I have some problems with it, but I'm finding it interesting and engaging so far, which is the important thing to me.

It is pretty difficult, though, at least on Hard... I've heard that Normal is more reasonable, if not a cakewalk. But if late Birthright chapters are as hard as others have said, I think you could make it... I've found that in many chapters, changing my basic approach was the key to winning, and you'd have us to help if you need it.

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Elise can get rather powerful if used right, actually. She's adorable and can pack a punch.

If you end up playing either Conquest or Revelation, i'd advise putting her in the Maid class at least temporarily. The "Live to Serve" skill (Or whatever it's called. I'm being too lazy conquering Japan in Shogun 2 to check) is really quite helpful for her when she gets hit and is running around playing healer. (Note: Take any suggestion of mine that might result in people dying with a grain of salt, I play on Casual, remember? Live to Serve is still sometimes quite helpful i'd imagine however.)

Though she has really terrible defense growths, at least for me. Her resistance is pretty good however, which means you definitely want to keep her out of the way as much as possible. Her HP growth is also really poor, much like Sakura's. ..Though I think Sakura has a better HP growth than Elise, given how my Sakura and Elise are roughly at the same level, and i've had to use two Seraph's robes to get Elise closer to Sakura's. ...And she's still behind.

I see. I do plan to get Revelations when it comes out for those who didn't get the SE, so thanks for the tip. :)

EDIT: Corrinetta did Dragon Fang on the first attack when she killed Xander for me. :P

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Her Physical stat was terrible for me.

Which is why I went for Shining Bow (+1) for her weapon. I named it Sakura's Love.

But Sakura gets much more defensive and much more survivable compared to Elise (better Hp growth and a guaranteed heal skill each turn). ...And she's still a healer.

Sakura's HP/Str/Def is 45/30/30 before class modifications iirc

I didn't have Shining Bow (did I miss it? or is it not in birthright and only revelation) which would've been great her mag's massive but I do have this from Kisagi's paralogue:


Even emergency physbows is pretty clutch.

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Because I felt he made Corrin feel like a living lie and he's ignorant and blind to reality. He KNEW she had been kidnapped from Hoshido and never bothered to try returning her home to the family that loved and missed her all those years. And even when Corrin tried to tell him what Garon was really up to, he doesn't listen. He just attacks her when she chooses to side with Hoshido.

Maybe he's better in Conquest, but in Birthright, he's terrible, imo. I also don't like his design much.

But thanks, glad to know he is weak to the horseslayer.

To be fair, Xander is more restrained than Ryoma during the choice scene. Ryoma would rather see you dead than not with Hoshido, Xander wants you back and really doesn't want to kill you. But...

Without spoiling anything in conquest, Xander will defend his father to the very last mission. But he will also never allow anyone to hurt Kamui, even if it is his own father. He even defies his father at one point to send Kamui help.

It's really just a testament to how bad the story can be at some points. But I would argue that Xander does care about Kamui a great deal. It's selfish and wrong that he did not mention anything about Kamui's true past even if he perhaps wanted Kamui to feel like he was family. That part is indefensible.

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Sakura's HP/Str/Def is 45/30/30 before class modifications iirc

I didn't have Shining Bow (did I miss it? or is it not in birthright and only revelation) which would've been great her mag's massive but I do have this from Kisagi's paralogue:


Even emergency physbows is pretty clutch.

Shining Bow, being a bow (and not a Yumi) is Conquest and Revelation exclusive, yes.

It is indeed great for a magic user.

Also, why do you use jokey names? What sense is there for jokey names?

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