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Did nationalism affect development?


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Duh. Hell, the original names of some of the Hoshidan characters are even straight-up names given to Imperial Japan battleships!

...I don't even follow this considering all the names are legit Japanese names.

Those battleships have no connection with those names unless you literally stretch it out.

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Duh. Hell, the original names of some of the Hoshidan characters are even straight-up names given to Imperial Japan battleships!

I thought it just hapens so that both the characters and the battleships take names from the same source (from actual names, that is).

Edited by nocturnal YL
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Kaze helping Corrin steamroll Hoshido really speaks of how the narrative goes out of its way not to villify Corron. Corrin is the shining paragon who does nothing wrong. Therefore, Kaze can not be presented as doing something wrong by serving as Corrin's lackey.

... How? Kaze is clearly seen as a Hoshido spy considering the first ever time you see him you're told to kill him to show your loyalty. There's no way Garon or Iago wouldn't execute him if they found out Kaze was still alive and now working for you. Hell, Garon would probably execute you too for disobeying his orders. The only reason this never happens is because Kaze never shows his face around Garon and the siblings are all silent about him because of you. As for "does nothing wrong", the entire story of Conquest is all about being told you did something wrong. And for the last part, just because people believe your boss to be a saint among saints doesn't mean you are one too.

Edited by Karis
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... How? Kaze is clearly seen as a Hoshido spy considering the first ever time you see him you're told to kill him to show your loyalty.

And he goes on to help Corrin take down his brother and steamroll Hoshido.

As for "does nothing wrong", the entire story of Conquest is all about being told you did something wrong.

-Help steamroll nation. Complete with Operation Chair being presented as the bestest way to fix Nohr (or something).

-All of your leftover Hoshido siblings are down with you while Ghost Takumi tells you how wrong he was to not worship you.

And for the last part, just because people believe your boss to be a saint among saints doesn't mean you are one too.

The narrative never seriously pushes that Kaze is a dastardly or shady person for serving Corrin. The same Corrin who helps to steamroll Hoshido.

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And he goes on to help Corrin take down his brother and steamroll Hoshido.

-Help steamroll nation. Complete with Operation Chair being presented as the bestest way to fix Nohr (or something).

-All of your leftover Hoshido siblings are down with you while Ghost Takumi tells you how wrong he was to not worship you.

The narrative never seriously pushes that Kaze is a dastardly or shady person for serving Corrin. The same Corrin who helps to steamroll Hoshido.

Wow you're really bitter about Corrin and Kaze. Do you even bother to look deeper than beyond the main story? Supports explain why Kaze felt like he needed to side with Corrin. And hell, if you have Kaze fight Saizo, Saizo pretty much says to him hes ashamed of him and his actions and calls him a fool for siding with Corrin.

Really, the way you talk makes it seem like you haven't even played the game yourself. People constantly give you shit for siding with Nohr. Fight any of your siblings or their retainers with Corrin and you'll see.

A lot of the plot was dumb and they made Hoshido seem too "we're amazing". However, I think people take it way too seriously and feel a desire to preach how horrible the story is and how Corrin is and people keep worshipping him. It was something I heard a lot before the game was released for NA. I played the game for myself and while the problems people talked about were there, they weren't as bad as they were hyped up to be. The game isn't unenjoyable or unplayable like some make it out to be. It just couldn't tap into the full potential of It's own story which was disappointing.

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I think their biggest problem was just the way it was written. They had almost a 500 page script, and cut it down. Who knows what kind of back stories and explanations there were for the game. They wanted Garon to be the bad guy, and for that whole situation to hint at or lead to Revelation. Unfortunately its hard to write a kingdom as neutral or good when your king is set up to be the bad guy. They could of fixed that situation easily by giving backstory to the two kingdoms. They could of at least explained what Nohr and Garon was like before his possession, which is hinted to be before he kidnaps Corrin and kills Sumeragi.

Edited by Tolvir
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THIS. There is absolutely no justification for joining Nohr other than not turning your back on your siblings, which is not even a good enough reason since they all follow Garon blindly and for some reason refuse to believe that he tried to kill you. And to make matters worse, when you do end up joining Nohr, you're just trying to 'save' the Hoshidans by... mass murdering their army and conquering their country.

Sigh. It just sounds too stupid to be true.

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While I can't deny that there is definitely some problems with how the cultural of Hoshido and Nohr is viewed and treated but for a while I always thought the game was less about siding with your Birthright and more about "doing the right thing". If you think it from the moral perspective, there is almost no point to side with your birthright family unless the family who adopted you was doing some unjustified actions against them. I always felt like it was loyalty vs moral, to give in to the darkness out of loyalty or reach out for the light to stand for morality.

However has proven in this thread, I think it more of the bad writing and people forgetting to give Hoshido some more questionable traits. I also feel like Nohr shouldn't really be so much of a barren land. There is just a lot lost potential with the writing of the story, but hey, no game is perfect.

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