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Favourite Supports?


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Takumi and Leo's support is both the funniest and most romantic support in the game.

As for the worst one I'm going with Saizou and Hinoka, like always, especially now that the offensive ones have hopefully been fixed.

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My favorite support lines thus far have been, Takumi x Oboro, Arthur x Effie, Laslow x Peri (Its actually humanizes her a bit, its actually quite spectacular), I actually also like Corrin x Kaze, Ryoma & Hinoka's supports were fairly amusing because you get to see Ryoma be a dorky big bro and joke around with her while being his wise self.

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So far, I really like Leo and Forrest. I only got the C so far, but Forrest is so adorbs, I wish I had him as my son, but I just couldn't bring myself to marry my brother.

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So far, I really like Leo and Forrest. I only got the C so far, but Forrest is so adorbs, I wish I had him as my son, but I just couldn't bring myself to marry my brother.

What? Then you're clearly not a true Fire Emblem fan!

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Localized Ryoma x Orochi is pretty hilarious. I won't spoil what's in it but when I was formatting Ryoma's supports when the textdump leaked I literally laughed out loud and made dying cat noises. In a good way.

Also RyoHin's like one of my favorite supports in the JP and it stayed a fav for the Eng. I take a lot out of that support when writing analysis for him.

Ryoumarx is very good. I can't bring myself to call that pair Ryouxan im sorry

RyoRinkah's my S-possible OTP for him, though I will say I prefered the JP S. I really like the A rank in the Eng though and B is roughly the same which is also good.

Also, between Saizou's stellar performance as Dark Flier->Onmyoji with Orochi as a pairup and their support I jumped ship from Saizo/Kagero for that. Sorry Kagero I'll have to find you another boyfriend.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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RyoRinkah's my S-possible OTP for him, though I will say I prefered the JP S. I really like the A rank in the Eng though and B is roughly the same which is also good.

How's Ryoma x Kagero? I was going to do that my next Hoshido run, and I was curious how it was, seeing as you're like the most knowledgeable person on the Lobster Lord I felt like asking :P:

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How's Ryoma x Kagero? I was going to do that my next Hoshido run, and I was curious how it was, seeing as you're like the most knowledgeable person on the Lobster Lord I felt like asking :P:

It was okay. It's not bad but it's not too exciting. He's nice to her. She really fucking needs a vacation. Forget Royal Beach Brawl, send her to that southern beach.

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It was okay. It's not bad but it's not too exciting. He's nice to her. She really fucking needs a vacation. Forget Royal Beach Brawl, send her to that southern beach.

Yeah I agree with the vacation part, that carries over into her supports with Corrin too, she works so freaking hard, its part of why I like her though, hard working and loyal etc, in my head canon for my Hoshido run she finally got a break when the S happened haha.

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Yeah I agree with the vacation part, that carries over into her supports with Corrin too, she works so freaking hard, its part of why I like her though, hard working and loyal etc, in my head canon for my Hoshido run she finally got a break when the S happened haha.

It's definitely a bad support and not one I oppose on writing-quality grounds anyway.

On the other hand it's not Ryoma/Rinkah but that's not a rational reason hahaha

I mean I did even name my Corn Ryouma just to not feel bad about S ranking Rinkah I'm kinda invested :P

Edited by Thor Odinson
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As for the worst one I'm going with Saizou and Hinoka, like always, especially now that the offensive ones have hopefully been fixed.

What was so bad about their support, if you don't mind me asking?

My favorite supports so far are Takumi x Oboro, Saizo x Kagerou, Azura x Laslow, Leo x Felicia, Corrin and Kagero, Oboro and Corrin and Beruka and Arthur. I honestly like most of the S Supports I've gotten so far (the only real exception I can think of is Jakob x Felicia).

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What was so bad about their support, if you don't mind me asking?

[spoiler=Saizou/Hinoka C-S]I had written a summary of this earlier but I usually don't like repeating jokes, so I*ll just sum it up seriously: it's stupid.

Saizou delivers letters to Hinoka from Ryouma in C, B and A - in C and B, Hinoka asks Saizou if he has looked at he letters, to which he replies no since he was asked not to. Then in A Hinoka reveals that Saizou had been accused of treason by a nameless lord for reasons I don't think we're told. Saizou is surprised but forgives her and Ryouma for checking in this 100% failproof experiment they most likely didn't have to do in the first place.

And then in the S he says that her concern over him not opening the letters made him fall in love with her.


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It's definitely a bad support and not one I oppose on writing-quality grounds anyway.

On the other hand it's not Ryoma/Rinkah but that's not a rational reason hahaha

I mean I did even name my Corn Ryouma just to not feel bad about S ranking Rinkah I'm kinda invested :P

Hahaha, now thats dedication Jedi confirmed for Robin knock off

also I was kinda amused at Corrin x Nyx it plays up her gimmick a little again, but Corrin is pretty sweet and is a total dork on the proposal so I approve of it. (Like it was a me tier level of dork lmao)

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[spoiler=Saizou/Hinoka C-S]I had written a summary of this earlier but I usually don't like repeating jokes, so I*ll just sum it up seriously: it's stupid.

Saizou delivers letters to Hinoka from Ryouma in C, B and A - in C and B, Hinoka asks Saizou if he has looked at he letters, to which he replies no since he was asked not to. Then in A Hinoka reveals that Saizou had been accused of treason by a nameless lord for reasons I don't think we're told. Saizou is surprised but forgives her and Ryouma for checking in this 100% failproof experiment they most likely didn't have to do in the first place.

And then in the S he says that her concern over him not opening the letters made him fall in love with her.


Okay, yeah, that's pretty dumb. I'm glad I never got that support, in hindsight. (I mean, I will eventually because that Support log won't fill itself out, but I won't like it.)

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I found Orochi's support with Saizo and Subaki pretty funny. lol

Silas x Corrin is sweet too, if your Corrin is female. Otherwise, it feels kind of awkward, I think.

Oh, Silas x Rinkah is hilarious. It's literally Rinkah chasing Silas all over the place until she can catch him! lol

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Takumi/Oboro and Sakura/Tsubaki are great in both the English and the Japanese. Oboro/Belka is also good, and I like Leon's with his retainers.

I liked Leon/Takumi and Ryouma/Rinka more in the Japanese.

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Aside of my love for the OTP support... I found me liking Jacob x Hana for some reason,still don't know how it happened but it's ok, I liked that S support.

I also like Leo with his son, already saw the localized version and is still good. Other ones I liked: Kaze x Azura, Kisaragi x Kinu, Kaden x Oboro, Oboro x Belka, Takumi x Leon...

But I'm sad Forrest x Soleil was totally changed, I liked the japanese one a lot, now... I have mixed feelings of their support

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Arthur x Azura will give you way more feels than it has any right to and it gives Arthur some badly needed dignity. The ending to it also had me going "aww.." in real life which does NOT happen.

Percy x Nina addresses Nina's social awkwardness, which is far better character trait to focus on than her boy's love kink. Nina trying to thank somebody without being weird is both hilarious and relateable. This is also probably the one time the "adult you technically are" thing sort of works, since the support shows Percy's maturity very well.

Ophelia x Hisame is one of the few supports where I can see a romantic relationship blooming before the S. Hisame is so in love with Ophelia it's embarrassing.

Azama x Mitama goes through Azama's daily routine. It makes you realize that with the dull hobbies, passive aggressive trolling and existentialist attitude, Azama is basically someone's lame dad.

Felicia x Azama shows Azama being helpful for once and the support is paced in such a way that it doesn't end in a marriage proposal or even a "I love you" confession. We're still able to see the chemistry they begin to have for each other.

Laslow x Selena. Selena talking dirty is incredibly hot and incredibly stupid at the same time. Camilla must have rubbed off on her.

Peri x Hinata is the most normal you'll ever see of Peri. It's actually kind of sweet.

Odin x Felicia. We need to step back and realize just what a turn Owain's life took in the span of a couple years. He went from a young bombastic swordfighter to a guy in man-lingerie getting scalding hot tea poured on him by a woman in a maid costume. Like seriously WTF is with that ending? Lissa's going to get a coronary when she finds out.

Saizo x Sakura. Watching Saizo get flustered is amazing.

Setsuna x Subaki. This is the closest I've ever seen Subaki get mad. Watching perfectionists break just even a little is fun.

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Let's see:

Azama/Sakura: I don't like this pairing whatsoever. This support is on this list for the sole reason that in their B support, Sakura tells Azama to shut up then breaks her staff in half with her bare hands.

Odin/Kagero: They're on the same wavelength, I guess. It was cute to see Kagero get so excited about her "silkwyrm" painting coming to life.

Arthur/Felicia: The two of them can combine to create one outrageously clumsy mega-person.

Arthur/Beruka: I didn't expect to like this at all, but I think this is my favorite support for Beruka? Funnily enough, this support actually had some solid development and believable chemistry.

Benny/Camilla: Adorable. Contains the great line, "I'll have you know I've never punched a bear in the face."

Camilla/Ignatius: I know the mother supports are generic, but Camilla calling Ignatius her "baby boy" and how his squemishness around bugs reminds her of when he was little is just so cute.

Benny/Charlotte: A sweet, natural progression.

Kaze/Orochi: While their first supports are a bit lame, their A and S supports are quite... flirtatious. I like it. Like, I could definitely see them being into each other.

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Hisame/Ophelia is my number one, can't really explain why but my friend summed it up as "gardening buddies" and I like that

also she grabs his hand in B support and he calls her cute in A support, how can I not

I like Kaden/Azura and Odin/Beruka too, mostly bc "touch fluffy tail" for Kaden/Azura and Beruka/Odin i can't describe idk.

Non-romantic supports include Oboro/Orochi, which I love too much, and Hayato/Kaden.

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Excluding kids here, because I don't really bother with them.


Corrin/Azura is very cute and very well-written on all three routes.

Laslow/Peri has amazing character development and backstory, and is just stupidly adorable.

Xander/Charlotte: Not as good as the JPN version, but still very good.

Kaden/Hana: Two complete opposites play off each other in a way that feels very natural and charming.

Takumi/Oboro: Chemistry and development at its finest.


Hinoka/Saizo or Kaze: They both have the same awful premise--delivering letters and then getting married without ever really talking to each other.

Silas/Azura: Literally the epitome of a "talk three times then marry" support. Just awful.

Ryoma/Camilla: They have nothing to talk about, and that's what their supports are about. It's as boring as it sounds.

Kaden/Orochi: She gives him catnip for three supports and marries him in the fourth -_-

Jakob/Felicia: Lay off that poor woman already, geez. He's not as bad as he in JPN, but still way too rude and mean.

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Leo and Elise. It starts off fairly innocently, then they begin to talk about their parents. You learn some surprising things about how Garon used to be. And it tells you a bit more about the situation in Nohr when they were growing up.

However, a couple of lines made me feel bad for the Nohrian siblings when discussing their mothers specifically:

Leo: "It's fine. I never loved her. In all fairness, she never loved me either. I was merely an instrument to her - a lever to pull to adjust the scales of power."

Elise: "I.. I think I know how you feel. All my mother cared about was Father. Even when she was dying, she only called out for Father. Not me."

No wonder the Nohrian siblings are screwed up in one way or another.

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