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Favourite Supports?


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Ryocam, for what it's worth, is at least improved from the JP version, where they have nothing to talk about AND doesn't even try to be funny. I guess Treehouse did what they could with what they could work with and just injected some humor, which I consider a step up from the original. Contrary to most supports, I liked their S more than the C-A added together. Quite a reversal.

Which sucks because fuck, they actually do have things to talk about if we really get into their characters but noooooo. A lot of Treehouse's rewrites still keep with the basic idea/premise of the support, but removed a bunch of the awful shit. So I don't expect them to do a complete progression rewrite given what they had to work with.

I'm still salty because I've analyzed Ryoma for so long now I can smell the missed potential from a mile away.

Also @Azama/Sakura: in the JP she just beats him up with her staff, but that's shifted to the A, so I have no complaints.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Ryocam, for what it's worth, is at least improved from the JP version, where they have nothing to talk about AND doesn't even try to be funny. I guess Treehouse did what they could with what they could work with and just injected some humor, which I consider a step up from the original. Contrary to most supports, I liked their S more than the C-A added together. Quite a reversal.

Which sucks because fuck, they actually do have things to talk about if we really get into their characters but noooooo. A lot of Treehouse's rewrites still keep with the basic idea/premise of the support, but removed a bunch of the awful shit. So I don't expect them to do a complete progression rewrite given what they had to work with.

I'm still salty because I've analyzed Ryoma for so long now I can smell the missed potential from a mile away.

this is why elise x ryoma is the superior cross royal ship that is possible in game

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Saizo x Asugi

Xander x Leo

Xander x Avatar

Gunter x Avatar

Dwyer x Mitama

Azura x Takumi

Takumi x Kiragi

Asugi x Sophie

Asugi x Shiro

Elise x Odin

Odin x Charlotte

Arthur x Felicia

I could probably go on, and I haven't started Revelations yet (to see the cross-over supports) but so far those all stick out to me in one way or another. Asugi got more interesting this time around (now that he also has 'ninja' to his character profile rather than just his super-attraction to candy).

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Let's see... To pick a few from the ones I've seen...

Xander/F!Corrin (to toss in the S)

The Nohr royals with each other









There are definitely a lot more, but these are all pretty memorable for me.

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I like Takumi/Oboro and Xander/Charlotte a lot, and surprisingly I have a real soft spot for Corrin/Shura supports. As much as I'm disappointed in Ryomilla supports given I've got a bad case of pairing bias, I still love their S support and... I guess the gap between A-S (where B and A should've taken place) makes room for headcanon? Maybe? Either way I like them together. That purple Shiro tho. Also got an ever-growing bias for Ryomarx creeping up, so I enjoy their supports, as well as Takumi/Leon's and Xander/Hinoka.

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I interpreted Ryoma x Camilla as just extreme sexual tension getting in the way of actual conversation. Like they wanted to get into each others pants so badly that they literally couldn't think about anything else to say tor each other. Not the healthiest relationship, but I can't blame either of them.

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To Ryoumilla's credit, it gives me some gems I use to make fun of my favorite lobster, such as:

How about something we are both well versed in—the art of war? There's nothing like a well-balanced katana in the heat of battle, don't you agree?
Oh, not in the least. I find most katana terribly clunky and useless.

I can just feel the :c face in that "oh". what a fucking nerd. Nerd nerd nerd.

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Join me in Ryoumarx helllllllll

If this is hell, I will gladly throw myself into the flames.

Oh, and I also really like Niles/Azura. It's not that great of a support but it had me at porcupine analogies and continued to intrigue me with the open end and 'let's take it slow' attitude.

Edited by nordopolica
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If this is hell, I will gladly throw myself into the flames.

It's hell bc we're constantly suffering the lack of content

There's like 5 of us on Tumblr that contribute to Ryoumarx on a semi-regular basis, but since it's during the semester I can maybe get half a picture in a month

it's suffering we're all suffering we need more content

If you're a content creator please contribute we're dying

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It's hell bc we're constantly suffering the lack of content

There's like 5 of us on Tumblr that contribute to Ryoumarx on a semi-regular basis, but since it's during the semester I can maybe get half a picture in a month

it's suffering we're all suffering we need more content

If you're a content creator please contribute we're dying

I will try my best, Boss. Had no idea there was such a drought for content particularly because all of it is quality I mean c'mon.

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I will try my best, Boss. Had no idea there was such a drought for content particularly because all of it is quality I mean c'mon.

Yes good join us

I basically celebrate whenever there's a new one on pixiv or tumblr or AO3 and I will read them all

quality over quantity, totes

I wish I had more free time because I have so many art ideas for them argh

Edited by Thor Odinson
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To Ryoumilla's credit, it gives me some gems I use to make fun of my favorite lobster, such as:

I can just feel the :c face in that "oh". what a fucking nerd. Nerd nerd nerd.

elise would appreciate your katana ryoma I'M SORRY ONCE I GOT ON THAT PAIRING I CANT STOP

Join me in Ryoumarx helllllllll

aye aye captain

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elise would appreciate your katana ryoma I'M SORRY ONCE I GOT ON THAT PAIRING I CANT STOP

if it helps I didn't want to like Ryoma/Elise as much as I did because the age difference but it's TOO CUTE

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Selena/Laslow B-support had me laughing as Selena gives Laslow a taste of his own medicine.

Also really enjoyed Xander/Charlotte support chain, along with Laslow/Azura.

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if it helps I didn't want to like Ryoma/Elise as much as I did because the age difference but it's TOO CUTE

It's too cute and I like the Shiro that comes out of it.

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My all time favorite is probably Laslow x Peri. It really made me like Peri and her being excited to be a mom is probably the cutest thing ever.

I really like Charlotte x Xander and Azura x Keaton. I thought the Nina x M!Avatar supports were oddly cute.

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