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Speed Seal+Def Seal Spear Master combo is so fucking good

Combine with Guard Naginata and it really facilitates my favorite "bait and wreck" strat bc I throw my tank-ass SpearM out there, wait for enemies to get debuffed to hell, then I easily wipe them out with a -6spd -6def drop to their stats it's so beautiful

Rend Heaven-great proc rates, even in Birthright Lunatic enemy str get pretty high (have you seen those zerkers) also Ryoma got to lv 3 arena proccing rend heaven like, every hit, and he took maybe 8 damage in total

He's the only person in my team that I've gotten in the arena who can do lv 3 arenas

Also the -faires are pretty cool too

Replicate if you can get it is pretty nuts

[HP+5, Gamble, Death Strike, Axefaire] is what I ended Rinkah on (+Salvage Blow, but that's util) and that was pretty hilarious

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Aether has always been my favorite skill because Ike makes it badass. <3 And NOW IKE USES THE ANIMATION AS A REGULAR ATTACK AS WELL AS FOR AETHER. :D

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Aether is a beautiful skill... super useful and also epic in execution. In Fates, a lot of my skills haven't been triggered, but the Dragon Fang skill looks really cool. It looks like avatar loses control of his power when striking... epic.

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I love Aether. Great Lord Aether spam is great.

I also like Hoshidan Unity for giving me a plus 10% to it's proc rate with literally no downside.

Nohrian Trust is great for letting me trigger the skills of my paired up unit too!

Also I love Lifetaker. For obvious reasons.

Edited by Fallaner
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If only Lethality + was a thing.

Dragon fang is cool if the avatar is on his/her original class.

Live to serve is also a good skill (since my healers always get hit, for some reasons).

Hate counter and miracle.

Edited by Nym
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Aether, the seal skills, the blow skills, Wary Fighter, Awakening, Proximity Shot and Nohrian Trust.

I forgot about Awakening.

It's seriously life saving for me whenever the Avatar drops below 50%. Seriously, you start kicking serious ass when it goes into affect.

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nohrian curse. Take what speed seal and defense seal does but a little weaker and to every stat. You can even lower a boss's stat as well as wreck offensive or defensive units. Combine this with Nohr Yato for extra tankiness to make this better.

Also, duelist blow. Negate weapon triangle whenever you attack and allow most of your attacks to be fairly safe. So useful when you don't want any kind of retaliation but sometimes RNG is a bitch so keep some safety measures in case it fails.

Ofc replicate because imagine two Nohr noble magic based Corrins with horse spirits....

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I like Sol, Renewal, Aether, Lifetaker, and a lot of old skills but I'll mention some new ones. Counter and its new magical variant still anger me.

I love all the seal skills. They make overwhelming enemies feel less threatening (if they haven't already killed my unit).
I like the combination of Death Blow + Killer weapons.
I like all the skills that cut their health down by 20% like Savage Blow.

Finally, I like sticking Amaterasu to my support units because it's been a little helpful and acts as a mini AOE Renewal.

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