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Purpose of Birthright and Conquest (SPOILERS)


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So after finishing both Conquest and Birthright (both of which had such tragic endings ;~;), I did some looking back of sorts and went over the general purpose of both games.

Since Hoshido and Nohr were both entirely separate games (unlike pokemon where it's minor differences these two are like night and day... literally... Hoshido is the kingdom of light and Nohr, a kingdom of darkness) I pondered a bit about what both brought to the table in the grand scheme of things.

So we now know that Anankos is the true antagonist of the game (you know that really giant penis looking wormy thing) and he's the one pulling the strings, what with Garon becoming a giant ball of slime (By the way, WHY THE HELL DO ALL VILLAINS POSSESSED BY A DEMON OR SOMETHING TURN INTO SLIME FAMILIARS ONCE THEIR TRUE FORM IS EXPOSED LOL) and Takumi's eventual demonizing.

Much to my surprise looking back Hoshido's Path NEVER once showed the bottomless canyon (In fact I completely forgot about the floating islands shown in the Fates trailer until in Conquest the avatar followed Azura into the other realm). But on the other hand Conquest rarely mentioned Azura's significance in the overall story whereas Hoshido GREATLY emphasized her plot importance.

In Birthright: the game mainly focuses on Azura's Pendant's special power and her Song but also the drawbacks to using her abilities in that it drains her life force should she overuse it, revealing multiple cutscenes in which her body seems to be deteriorating into water and ultimately vanishing into pure water (since I had my avatar marry Azura in my Hoshido playthrough those scenes were all the more sad ;~; a husband watching his wife "die"). It's also revealed in a few support conversations (especially her intense desire to discard the pendant once the war is over and not let shigure use it under any circumstance)

In Conquest: Rather than Azura's power being the main point of the story (although she's still an importance) it refers to the Revelation's side of things with the backstory of Garon becoming what he is at the end of Conquest and the Avatar's desire to expose him of what he is. It also covers over the bottomless canyon and the floating islands. (which I believe is Valla)

So while both are completely different they both allude to Revelation in one way or another which makes my desire to play Revelation all the more stronger because I HATE DANGLING PLOT T_T.

Which do you guys think is more intricate? (This applies to people who HAVEN'T yet played revelation)

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So is it ever confirmed that Azura's Pendant is the Fire Emblem?

Or is it the Yato? "Seal of Flames" sounds suspiciously like a mistranslation of Fire Emblem as well.

Funny that you'd immediately jump to "mistranslation". Anyway, 3rd route stuff:

The Omega Yato is the Fire Emblem. The Seal of Flames unlocks to become it.

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Personally, after playing both I really wanted to play Revelation.

Lucky me, I bought a Special Edition U.S. Copy of the game and thus got too.

Half me wanting to play Revelation was because I didn't want to keep fighting either family anymore. The other half was because good lord I loved the story. Birthright's was weaker than Conquest's in my opinion, but I freaking loved Revelation's. Personally I feel that they do kinda fit hand in hand. The details of what still exist in another, but may not be explained. Like the song and what coulda happened to Takumi.

Omega Yato is indeed the Fire Emblem. Seal of Flames becomes to the Fire Emblem at the end with all four other named/divine weapons are together with it.

Edited by Fallaner
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Funny that you'd immediately jump to "mistranslation". Anyway, 3rd route stuff:

The Omega Yato is the Fire Emblem. The Seal of Flames unlocks to become it.

Haha I would HOPE treehouse would not mistranslate the titular item of the game. Even then I'm pretty sure they just call it "Faya Emburem" in Japan, they don't use the Japanese words. So yeah I was mostly joking.

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