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konichiwa (/^▽^)/


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Hai :3 im ten years old and i LOVE fe i hope I make lots of new fwends (^~^) i like to draw and read about nippon (japan) my sister told me about this place she also told me shes very popular so im sure youve heard of her ~(^з^)-☆ so bye for now O(≧∇≦)O

bella signing out

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Who is this mystical sister of uber popularity of which you speak, little one?

*stares intently*

Don't you have to be 13 to be on the forums?

SHHHHHHH! He/she/pomegranate hasn't been exposed to the forum's uncensored profanity yet! At least let that bit of innocence be shattered before you kick him/her/fruit out!
Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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aww thanks for teh kind words (≧∇≦)/ you all look so fun :3 my sister is velvet and she said she knows the mods so she must be famous (★^O^★) she's teaching me to make my own sacred stones hack and im very excited (」゚ロ゚)」

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