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Hello, came here to learn a bit more about Fire Emblem itself, haven't really gotten too far into it as the only real one I played was FE7 for the GBA, and as such I jumped back into it around well when Awakening came out didn't really feel that one too well either. Though for FE7 I never beat it as i'm terrible at strategy... But I really love the lore and story, so I came here while i'm playing Fates to learn how to get better at it.

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Welcome to the Forest, AzureWolfBlaze!

Not used to the gameplay yet? No worries, it takes times but you'll get it.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Welcome to the forest, AzureWolfBlaze!

Fire Emblem isn't often regarded as being incredibly easy, the lastest games are certainly more friendly to those who prefer a casual gameplay experience (like myself) but it's never been an overly easy series.

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