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Mitama best mother?


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Well if you are already using Oboro.. someone else physical, like Setsuna or Kagerou. Both Azama and Mitama are basically cosplaying as priests. They should both be physical fighters, so a physical mom for Mitama is best.

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Well if you are already using Oboro.. someone else physical, like Setsuna or Kagerou. Both Azama and Mitama are basically cosplaying as priests. They should both be physical fighters, so a physical mom for Mitama is best.

The promoted version has a physical branch, them being physical is perfectly fine.


I'd go with Hana, but I'm more concerned about aesthetics than stats. Sakura is my favorite color, but I give her to Subaki for Cordelia to have some semblance of red hair, so that leaves Hana for Mitama as the only other hair color that I halfway like on her, but stats wise I actually like Hana 4 Str, 4 Spd, 2 Skl, and 2 Res isn't bad for a Priestess isn't bad.

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