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Hello everyone, I've been a fan of the series since I first played The Sacred Stones in the GBA. I've been away from the series for a long time but I finally decided to come back again with Fates. I found this website on the Fire Emblem subreddit and I hope to meet awesome people and find new friends who share the Fire Emblem love.

What is your favorite cereal?

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Welcome to the forums, HolyCereal!

...I'm the one who asks the questions here. However, if you truly must know, my favorite cereal is probably the wheaties or whatever they're called, but only when they're not in pieces and the white sugary stuff is actually there.

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Welcome to the Forest, HolyCereal!

My favorite cereal? Tough choice but i'll say CocoPops.

The cereal is crispy and have a nice chocolate taste.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Thanks for the Welcome guys. I also forgot to add that since I didn't play Awakening there are so many features I'm still getting used to. So if there's anyone out there who would like to help me out and teach me one or two thing I would really appreciate it! :D

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