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Help with my first playthrough


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Hey there. I'm getting Birthright soon (not sure when, but probably before my birthday on the 11th) and I just realized that I spent so long planning my Revelations playthrough that I forgot to plan for Birthright...

I'm not sure if I should have created a new thread instead of just using the Fates Advice Thread, but since I don't plan on asking for help on the maps themselves, I figured I might as well create this. It'll also be easier for me to find it later, once I actually have the game. I've got a few things to ask:

1-I'm planning a Hard/Casual +STR/-LUCK Samurai Corrin x Oboro file. Is this good?

2-Is it possible to kill Hans on chapter 3 and Ryoma on chapters 4 and 5 before they cause too much damage? I don't want them stealing my exp.

3-Which class should Oboro get: Oni Savage from Rinka or Archer from Mozu?

4-Is Singer any good? From my experience in Awakening, Olivia didn't perform too well until I reclassed her into Swordmaster, and I didn't need her dances that often either.

5-If Azura shouldn't be a Singer, which class should I have her in? Falcon Knight, Swordmaster or Master of Arms (or Great Lord, but that's depending on the answer for number 7)?

6-Should Azura pass down any of the Singer skills to Shigure and Hisame?

7-Who should I give the Great Lord class to? Azura (because she's technically supposed to be one of the main characters), Oboro (She looks a lot like Lucina with her hair down, as you can see in Kozaki's "Days Off" sketches) or Kana (That way Kana can use the main weapons of both of her parents). As a bonus, all of them have the typical "Royal Blue" hairthat Fire Emblem loves to give to main characters.

8-Who should I give the Lodestar class to? If possible, I'd like to give it to someone who actually wields swords if possible, but since Blonde Marth, Laslow, and Odin are only in Conquest and Revelations, I have no idea who I should give it to.

9-After doing her paralogue, should I spent some time grinding Mozu for a bit so she can be useful? Which level should she be in? I'm the kind of guy who likes to have his units all around the same level, so I'm perfectly willing to do it.

10-When should I reclass Azama and to what? Since it'll take some time for me to be able to buy a second route, I won't have access to Dread Fighter.

11-This is more of a personal preference than anything, but should I buy Aptitude for Rinka? On one hand, it feels like cheating, but on the other, her growths are total bullshit and goes against what is said of her in both story and supports.

12-When the A Gift from Anna DLC comes out, should I get Witch or Ballistician? I'm thinking of giving Witch to Sakura!Rhajat, but most people here are probably more experienced than I am, and I'm not sure if I'll have enough money to buy the whole Map Pack to get infinite reclassing items.

13-Here are my current pairings. Should I change anything? (Since I dislike both Jakob and Dwyer, I'm not going to pair anyone with Jakob)

Corrin + Oboro = Kana

Hinata + Azura = Hisame and Shigure

Silas + Mozu = Sophie

Kaze + Felicia = Midori

Ryoma + Rinka = Shiro

Takumi + Hana = Kiragi

Saizo V + Kagero = Saizo VI (Asugi)

Kaden + Orochi = Selkie

Azama + Setsuna = Mitama

Subaki + Hinoka = Caeldori

Hayato + Sakura = Rhajat

13.5: In the second generation, there are 5 males and 7 females, since I removed Dwyer instead of one of the females (I made the females red and males blue for convenience). Who should I leave unpaired?

14-I noticed that with this setup Selkie gets Apothecary from Orochi... and both Midori and Rhajat also give these classes. Does she get nothing from an A+ with them? Is Kana the only one that can give her anything? And which class does Kana give: Corrin's secondary or her mother's primary class?

15-Does the difficulty of the Arena scale with which chapter you are in the game? For example: If I went to the castle of someone who has already beaten the game while I'm in early game and I fight in the Arena will I get my ass kicked or will I have the chance to actually win something?

16-Can you change your hair color in the Private Quarters or is it hair style only? I'm trying to decide if I should use my natural hair color or Mikoto's.

17-How expensive are the skills? I plan to buy Lancebreaker (For Corrin) and Lancefaire (For Azura) at some point.

18-What happens if you create a Bond Unit with someone with the same talent as yours? Do you just get that one class?

19-Speaking of Bond Units, do they come with a Offspring Seal or do you have to grind them from scratch?

If I think of anything else I'll be sure to edit this post.

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-Singer is not a combat class, but the unique utility is pretty important. Fates is a lot less low man-happy than Awakening and there's no ambushforcements even on Lunatic, so protecting your squishies is a lot easier to do. Azura's offensive growths are solid, but her defense is so frail she's not worth it as a combat unit when other people don't die in one hit AND it gives up her unique utility.

-You do not have to buy Aptitude for Rinkah to do well. Although her growths go against her character, they're not as dicks as people make them out to be, and are infact very workable. What Rinkah really need is better bases in hp/str/spd (and weapon rank, but arm scrolls are a bit late for her purposes). Fortunately, for her bases, there's the chapter 7 Angelic Robe, I believe Kagerou comes with an energy drop, and TONICS are good and important because it's cheap and birthright throws so much money at you. Check out my blog posts on Rinkah's ascension into a ridiculous Lunatic god. Mind, you do not need her to go Berserker to be good, though berserker is great. An alternative route to what I did is promote to Oni Chieftain first, grab Death Blow, then go into Blacksmith. It's less strong and critty compared to Berserker, but it's pretty robust defensively and the best option for her HP-wise after Zerk.

-Bond units are from scratch.

-Hans will basically kill himself because he sucks. Killing Ryoma on 4 is a good joke and you should just cut your losses and open a way for him so you can let his kill-stealing ass through and he'll let you have the last 4 faceless by yourself if you let him see his sisters asap.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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-Singer is not a combat class, but the unique utility is pretty important. Fates is a lot less low man-happy than Awakening and there's no ambushforcements even on Lunatic, so protecting your squishies is a lot easier to do. Azura's offensive growths are solid, but her defense is so frail she's not worth it as a combat unit when other people don't die in one hit AND it gives up her unique utility.

-You do not have to buy Aptitude for Rinkah to do well. Although her growths go against her character, they're not as dicks as people make them out to be, and are infact very workable. What Rinkah really need is better bases in hp/str/spd (and weapon rank, but arm scrolls are a bit late for her purposes). Fortunately, for her bases, there's the chapter 7 Angelic Robe, I believe Kagerou comes with an energy drop, and TONICS are good and important because it's cheap and birthright throws so much money at you. Check out my blog posts on Rinkah's ascension into a ridiculous Lunatic god. Mind, you do not need her to go Berserker to be good, though berserker is great. An alternative route to what I did is promote to Oni Chieftain first, grab Death Blow, then go into Blacksmith. It's less strong and critty compared to Berserker, but it's pretty robust defensively and the best option for her HP-wise after Zerk.

-Bond units are from scratch.

-Hans will basically kill himself because he sucks. Killing Ryoma on 4 is a good joke and you should just cut your losses and open a way for him so you can let his kill-stealing ass through and he'll let you have the last 4 faceless by yourself if you let him see his sisters asap.

I see. Thank you. After hearing/reading of how poorly Rinka performed it's a relief to see that she can be pretty good if you put enough effort into it.

I kinda hoped more people to offer advice, though. It would help me look at things from multiple points of view. Does anyone have anything to add?

(In other news, "soon" came much sooner than I expected. I just started Birthright. Yay.)

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Hey there. I'm getting Birthright soon (not sure when, but probably before my birthday on the 11th) and I just realized that I spent so long planning my Revelations playthrough that I forgot to plan for Birthright...

I'm not sure if I should have created a new thread instead of just using the Fates Advice Thread, but since I don't plan on asking for help on the maps themselves, I figured I might as well create this. It'll also be easier for me to find it later, once I actually have the game. I've got a few things to ask:

1-I'm planning a Hard/Casual +STR/-LUCK Samurai Corrin x Oboro file. Is this good?

2-Is it possible to kill Hans on chapter 3 and Ryoma on chapters 4 and 5 before they cause too much damage? I don't want them stealing my exp.

(Hans is an ally and is basically scripted to retreat. Ryoma will rush towards the NPC's on the Map and stand still once he reaches them)

3-Which class should Oboro get: Oni Savage from Rinka or Archer from Mozu?

(She'd get more leverage out of Death Blow from Oni Chieftain. Mozu loves her Spear Fighter fyi)

4-Is Singer any good? From my experience in Awakening, Olivia didn't perform too well until I reclassed her into Swordmaster, and I didn't need her dances that often either.

(Singer is a Dancer/10 and should be used all game. No ambush spawns and early availability make Azura way easier to use than Olivia.)

5-If Azura shouldn't be a Singer, which class should I have her in? Falcon Knight, Swordmaster or Master of Arms (or Great Lord, but that's depending on the answer for number 7)?

6-Should Azura pass down any of the Singer skills to Shigure and Hisame?

(Voice of Peace is a guaranteed -2 Damage to anyone within 2 Spaces of them, so that's nice. Azura learns it at Lv. 25)

7-Who should I give the Great Lord class to? Azura (because she's technically supposed to be one of the main characters), Oboro (She looks a lot like Lucina with her hair down, as you can see in Kozaki's "Days Off" sketches) or Kana (That way Kana can use the main weapons of both of her parents). As a bonus, all of them have the typical "Royal Blue" hairthat Fire Emblem loves to give to main characters.

8-Who should I give the Lodestar class to? If possible, I'd like to give it to someone who actually wields swords if possible, but since Blonde Marth, Laslow, and Odin are only in Conquest and Revelations, I have no idea who I should give it to.

9-After doing her paralogue, should I spent some time grinding Mozu for a bit so she can be useful? Which level should she be in? I'm the kind of guy who likes to have his units all around the same level, so I'm perfectly willing to do it.

(Umm, about the same Level as your main party? Villager is now a proper class, with appropriate bases on Mozu. She'll need a little extra effort, but you have Challenges, so you'll be in no short supply of EXP.)

10-When should I reclass Azama and to what? Since it'll take some time for me to be able to buy a second route, I won't have access to Dread Fighter.

(Honestly, Azama is kind of outclassed as an Apothecary, mainly due to his immediately starting with E-Rank Bows. Setsuna starts with a higher Rank and Takumi is 2 Chapters away. If you really want to use him, I'd early Promote him to Great Master and have him work up a Lance Rank)

11-This is more of a personal preference than anything, but should I buy Aptitude for Rinka? On one hand, it feels like cheating, but on the other, her growths are total bullshit and goes against what is said of her in both story and supports.

12-When the A Gift from Anna DLC comes out, should I get Witch or Ballistician? I'm thinking of giving Witch to Sakura!Rhajat, but most people here are probably more experienced than I am, and I'm not sure if I'll have enough money to buy the whole Map Pack to get infinite reclassing items.

13-Here are my current pairings. Should I change anything? (Since I dislike both Jakob and Dwyer, I'm not going to pair anyone with Jakob)

Corrin + Oboro = Kana

Hinata + Azura = Hisame and Shigure

Silas + Mozu = Sophie

Kaze + Felicia = Midori

Ryoma + Rinka = Shiro

Takumi + Hana = Kiragi

Saizo V + Kagero = Saizo VI (Asugi)

Kaden + Orochi = Selkie

Azama + Setsuna = Mitama

Subaki + Hinoka = Caeldori

Hayato + Sakura = Rhajat

(Seems fine. You literally can't Pair anyone with Jakob since your using a Male Corrin paired with a 1st Gen Female, so it's fine. Dwyer comes with really good items though.)

13.5: In the second generation, there are 5 males and 7 females, since I removed Dwyer instead of one of the females (I made the females red and males blue for convenience). Who should I leave unpaired?

14-I noticed that with this setup Selkie gets Apothecary from Orochi... and both Midori and Rhajat also give these classes. Does she get nothing from an A+ with them? Is Kana the only one that can give her anything? And which class does Kana give: Corrin's secondary or her mother's primary class?

15-Does the difficulty of the Arena scale with which chapter you are in the game? For example: If I went to the castle of someone who has already beaten the game while I'm in early game and I fight in the Arena will I get my ass kicked or will I have the chance to actually win something?

16-Can you change your hair color in the Private Quarters or is it hair style only? I'm trying to decide if I should use my natural hair color or Mikoto's.

17-How expensive are the skills? I plan to buy Lancebreaker (For Corrin) and Lancefaire (For Azura) at some point.

18-What happens if you create a Bond Unit with someone with the same talent as yours? Do you just get that one class?

19-Speaking of Bond Units, do they come with a Offspring Seal or do you have to grind them from scratch?

If I think of anything else I'll be sure to edit this post.

Advice is in Bold.

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