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Favorite Moment in Fates? (Spoilers)


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Either gameplay wise or story wise. I'll start.

Chapter 25 of Conquest, when you duel with Ryoma. He was doubling me and beating me down with an Astra trigger and a crit but I managed to trigger Dragonfang and get a 4% chance crit with a 60% chance to hit. An epic way to defeat my own brother after getting whupped for a while.

Killing all those Kitsune bastards in Chapter 19. I don't care if people hate Corrin for that, what he did was a favor to humanity to save them from those Illusion/pass/dodging abominations.

Finally I'd have to say when you fight Hinoka for the final time. The cutscene occuring during my end phase just got me pumped up for some reason. Was a tough chapter though because of the hexing rod, surprisingly strong mages and wave after wave of fliers coming at you. The music was also mood enhancing for that entire chapter.

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[spoiler=Revelation spoiler]Before this path,

I found chapter 6 to be very well done. Sure, Nohr is portrayed as - and is - objectively in the wrong, but the game doesn't shy away from making you feel like an asshole for choosing either side. The siblings are all sad, the music fitting and the lines well-written for the most part. This might be the only time I can praise Hinoka, so why not: her line is fucking sad, in a good way.

Edited by Thane
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But seriously, Chapter 6 is really good across the board. Favourite gameplay moment is pretty much the entire Conquest path.

Minus chapter 11 and 19 at least for me; 11 is "place unit X here to bait", while 19 is "hope you like RNG!"

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I watched chapter 6 of revelations in english. I find it funny how Ryoma who tries to get you to return home after siding with Nohr more or less immediately gives up on you instead and just declares you a traitor then rather than trying to bring you back.

I always felt like an asshole if I fought Hinoka and Sakura though in Conquest during that chapter. Especially Sakura. Hinoka's line also cut pretty deep too when she got K.O'd.

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I liked pretty much any moment with the siblings. There was one part in Conquest where Corrin was off to Port Dia, and Elise made a comment, and Leo started teasing her, and they all ended up laughing. It felt very sibling-y and heartwarming to me. I'm also fond of a lot of Azura's scenes.

I also liked some of the subplots, such as the "traitor" sub-plots in Birthright and Revelation, or the "what's wrong with Takumi" sub-plot in Conquest.

I thought the first part of Revelation was really good.

The concept of being a traitor on the run, desperately trying to gather an army, while no one will listen to you

was handled quite well, IMO.

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Chapter 6, as some said, because it isn't scared of making you feel bad.

Also, I believe in it's Birthright chapter 25,

When Sakura stops Iago, when he tries to interupt Azura's song from freeing Takumi.

I'm just sad that we don't see what she does to him, but I like to imagine she hits his head with her staff.


Now I need for someone to draw Sakura bonking Iago on his head with her staff.

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I really liked the dinner scene in Conquest. It was pretty funny to see Ryoma and Xander have their petty arguments like a bunch of 5 year olds. My only complaint is that the chapter should of had more conversation between Corrin and the Hoshidan siblings. The entire chapter though solidified the fact that Revelation is going to be my favorite path from the interactions of the 2 families alone.

Edited by Tolvir
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So far, Chapter 22 - Hidden Capital is my favorite. Mostly because of the massive feels trip.

If I can't be happy, at least I can make others happy.

That one hurt. That one hurt real bad.

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Gosh, Leo is getting a lot of great dialogue in this game, and he's only been in a few scenes so far. The moment he stops our dumbass Avatar from starting a half-baked rebellion at the opera house by telling him in private what the Nohr siblings' MO is, it just had me screaming and shouting in my room. The guy really is amazing.

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I really love the chapter in Birthright where you face Leo in the spooky forest.

That map looks so cool! It's easily my favorite location in Fates. The story in that chapter is also really likable

Leo pretending to hate you, then admitting he never did and then helping you. I thought that was touching and it made me like his character even more.

and Leo looked really cool in the cutscene.

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I really love the chapter in Birthright where you face Leo in the spooky forest.

That map looks so cool! It's easily my favorite location in Fates. The story in that chapter is also really likable

Leo pretending to hate you, then admitting he never did and then helping you. I thought that was touching and it made me like his character even more.

and Leo looked really cool in the cutscene.

"Nohrian law is rather blunt on the subject of traitors - there is only one punishment. The sentence is death."

Damn you Leo. You became my favorite Nohr sibling too fast.

I'll agree with the chapter split, and personally I love each song Azura sings.

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One of my favorite moments was that chapter in Birthright after you defeat Camilla in Chevalier, Leon shows up acting all smug and then

Ryoma sneaks up behind him in General armor and ganks him.

I haven't laughed so hard in a Fire Emblem game in a long time.

[spoiler=Revelation spoiler]Before this path,

I found chapter 6 to be very well done. Sure, Nohr is portrayed as - and is - objectively in the wrong, but the game doesn't shy away from making you feel like an asshole for choosing either side. The siblings are all sad, the music fitting and the lines well-written for the most part. This might be the only time I can praise Hinoka, so why not: her line is fucking sad, in a good way.

This is one of the few scenes where the game makes you feel bad in a way that isn't forced like so many plot deaths.

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One of my favorite moments was that chapter in Birthright after you defeat Camilla in Chevalier, Leon shows up acting all smug and then

Ryoma sneaks up behind him in General armor and ganks him.

I haven't laughed so hard in a Fire Emblem game in a long time.

tfw you are embarrassed by a lobster in front of your big sister that you have feelings for git rekt smug bro

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My favorite moment is a non important one, that you can miss pretty easy, didn't affect the story, didn't have a cutscene in video or model secuence (like the one of Kaze in Birthright CH15)... My favorite moment in the game is:

... When Leo save Takumi from the falling bridge in Revelations.

I really don't know why, but I like that part... And is only showed with map sprites, but... I like it... How I wish that part was a cutscene, but oh well :/
Also it give funny momments if Takumi is in the Ballistician class, because the map sprites show Takumi inside the tank, an you can wonder how the hell Leo were able to save him and his tank, haha

Another one is Revelation final cutscene, both families happy, together and safe... Yeah, how could I not like that? I like that type of cheesy things after all

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Beating chapter 10 in Classic/Hard

I hope its the last time ill see that chapter

Guess who's on chapter 14 Revelations

Oh yeah and what Hinoka tells you when you fight her near the end of Conquest was really good, too bad it made me regret choosing Nohr even more.

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