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Second Batch of Fates DLC Coming

Ema Skye

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Halloween Scramble

- completing the map will give the Proximity Shot skill

Takumi becomes move overpowered.

Also, does this make the Spy Yumi (3 range only) 1-3 range or 1 and 3 range, but not 2? Just curious. That second option sounds really dumb actually.

Also also, those new Anna portraits are adorable AF.

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I hope they add in more Dark Magic tomes. It would make Shadowgift a whole lot better.

Hell, it would make Dark Mages and Sorcerers better too. That not 40 magic cap is just EH, and combine that with how many Mage Killer classes we have, I mean we got Nine-tails, Falcon Knights, uh... Maid/Butler? Master Ninja has decent Res too. And since they're more like the older Dark Mages with less defense and more res, it makes Mage Killers even better on them.

Damn, I REALLY hate Dark Mages for some reason. I mean, Dark Knight is good. Like, redeeming the class for me good.

Also, this is just my opinion. Don't get upset. I actually have a friend who pretty much swears by the Fates Sorcerer class.

Wait, why am I posting this again?

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Maybe it's the winners of the popularity poll?

In which case it'd be royals'n'Oboro, so... basically yeah.

Hey, I'm 100% fine with getting a CG of Oboro.

Also, kinda hoping for 8 CGs. Not because I want 8 CGs, its because Flora is #8 on the poll. And I would LOVE a Flora CG.

Edit: Whoops I messed that up. Flora is the #8 FEMALE on the poll. Not overall.

Edited by TrueEm
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Actually, that's not quite the truth.

A lot of the items are already there, like the Sighting Lens, Witch's Mark and various skill scrolls.

But some of them (the Exalt's Brand, Hero's Brand, Pebble, Fell Brand, First Blood and Vanguard Brand) aren't in the base game at all.

So there's definitely a possibility of new items. Plus there's an unused label for Mire in the text files.

I hope one of them is a seal that turns you into Roy's Lord class. Otherwise, I'll just go with the unlimited Hero's Brand.

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I miss Sorcerors having high Defense as opposed to Resistance. It was unusual and neat.

Same. It really hurts in this game when your default mages are so fragile.

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Future Past had a lot of variable dialogue with the unique parent/child conversations. Here, it seems like the children will be by themselves, so no parent/child conversation. In that case... maybe the scenario could at least have a few lines that change to reference the "past" based on the player's route?

I don't think some characters' deaths wouldn't really matter in that case. They could make it so that in this DLC story the kids grew up in the real world, and so the children of certain characters could be born before their death, even if they don't have access to the Deeprealms.

On the other hand, if they still grew up in the Deeprealms, then this scenario is basically forced to take place after Revelations, since it's the only story where both Hoshido and Nohr would have access to it.

The DLC Episodes featuring the children might just be another possible future where the parents died trying to reunite both nations while trying to defeat Anakos after sending them (their children) to the Deeprealms. Granted, that yes, only Revelations would be able to fit this into a story. There would be some contradictions such as Shiro and Siegbert meeting with each other when both of their Paralogue Chapters are in different realms or areas in the real world. In Kanna's case where it shows Female Kanna, it comes down to, 'How did she obtain her father's blade, Yato?'.

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What if Shigure was evil because the Invisible soldiers (forgot what they are called) succeeded in capturing him? In his paralogue he was pursued by the soldiers. What if he was captured and never escaped? He's son, he might have inherited the necklace and could be used for something evil.

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Huh, did I miss something?

What's this about evil Shigure? I only see normal Shigure talking to Azura's ghost/spirit.

By the way, dunno if this was mentioned, but Shigure mentions a forbidden fourth song.

Edited by VincentASM
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Really hope that the US doesn't have to wait for a year for this dlc like japan

The new DLC hasn't even been released yet in Japan (it's still being made)...so we will be waiting for a normally long time before we even get that DLC Update. Right now we don't even have the DLC Patch that comes on the 10th of this month (March) in NA.

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in that pic Shigure is also wearing Azura's necklace..

Just like how in Female Kanna's picture she's holding her father's blade, Yato (in it's base form). Both which were only usable by their parents before and only. I don't think Shigure got captured, more likely talking with the 'spirit' of her mother on how to bring hope to those in despair. All I can say regarding the area that Female Kanna appears to be in...could be the same location where her Paralogue Chapter takes place in. Most likely the children are in their own realms or locations where they first appeared in as they weren't allowed to join their parents, only for their parents to perish or disappear before they could see their children again. As the DLC appears to be a mix of both routes, Revelation makes most sense for these alternative events to occur.

*Might be that in the case of Shigure that he landed in the real world while trying to escape and he managed to relocate he mother's necklace and kept it for a tragic keepsake when he realized she died. Shigure might be at the lake where Corrin first saw Azura (which is now all gloomy due to the bad events of the alternate timeline). Azura's spirit and Shigure talk to each other on how to save the lives of those who are still alive.

*In Female Kanna's area if it is her Paralogue Chapter in the alternative timeline, she was left there by her father's (Corrin) will instead of traveling with him. As time went by, Corrin disappeared and perished and only his blade, Yato remained. Someone then went to Kanna's realm and gave Corrin's daughter the Yato before leaving her again all alone. Later when things only went worse, Female Kanna is outside crying while looking around for shelter as she's lost and all alone with little to no hope for survival all while she holds onto her father's legendary blade for her dear life.

*Regarding the picture of Siegbert and Shiro, I'm guessing the two of them are debating on how to lead all the survivors to safety and how to rule over them (granted that both of their fathers tried to rule over their respective nations without causing harm to them).

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It's an alternate realm that doesn't follow any path closely.

Heck, in the support dlcs were going to alternate versions of Hoshido and Nohr.

Most likely won't follow any of the routes entirely. The pictures showing Female Kanna and Shigure could happen on any route in an alternative timeline. But for Shiro and Siegbert to appear in the same picture, it would be an alternative future in the Revelation Path. Anyways, the DLC Chapters where Corrin is now absent and all the parents are dead is very much like Awakening's Future Past Timeline. Keep in mind that while Awakening had a very strong reason for said DLC in its' own game, this game might not have a particular reason (like you're trying to imply and to which I can agree). We don't even know the support DLCs yet because Japan doesn't even officially have this new batch of DLC content, it's still in the process of being made. Also, better for all of us to not ruin the fun of the mysteries entirely before we get a chance to play it (then again who tries to avoid ruining the possible or actual details?).

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From tvtropes tearjerker section

The dialogue for some of those scenes are quite depressing. Roughly translated,

Female Kana is crying about how she was "unable to protect Papa", implying the male Avatar was killed right in front of her, like his own parents were, and Shiro is upset that Shigure is constantly being targeted, while he and Siegbert can do nothing to help him.

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From tvtropes tearjerker section

The dialogue for some of those scenes are quite depressing. Roughly translated,

Female Kana is crying about how she was "unable to protect Papa", implying the male Avatar was killed right in front of her, like his own parents were, and Shiro is upset that Shigure is constantly being targeted, while he and Siegbert can do nothing to help him.

Regarding Female Kanna...she could be crying for that reason but Corrin might have been in another location somewhere farther away and she wasn't able to be at her father's side to save him. How is Shigure being targeted? Makes sense for Shiro and Siegbert to be concerned as they are the rightful heirs to their respective nations.

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I'm actually looking foward to this, the kids in Fates are more or less just there, and having DLC to make me care may make me use them more in the main game.

Some of the children (if not all of them) are either too cute or too good to let them suffer from such tragedies. Save them all and say 'Screw you, you stupid future and your demanding negative laws.' I am looking forward to the new Festival DLC Chapters, wonder how the dialogue will turn out.

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No Apotheosis 2.0? Not interested.

Apotheosis 2.0!? Apotheosis alone made Awakening very interesting but also made that one DLC Episode absurdly challenging (Snipers with Hawkeye, Luna+, Dragonskin, Vantage+ AND Counter). Apotheosis in Fates? Welp...time to start level grinding to get max stats in every stat possible if it ever comes out.

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