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Who Wants to Participate in My Reaction Time Heritability Study?

The Geek

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Greetings, denizens of Serenes Forest. In my current Biology class I am required to conduct an independent research project that represents a significant portion of my grade in that class.

For the subject of my study I have chosen the heritability of reaction time. Here's how you can participate.


Go to this link above and take the test. It will ask you to do five runs of the test and will then calculate your average. Then, what I need you to do is then ask either your siblings and biological parents (if your parents are 70 years of age or younger and your siblings are 8 or older) (or if you don't have siblings just your score and your parents will do) or ask your spouse and children (if you and your spouse are the biological parents or your children and they are 8 or older) to also take the test and get an average score.

Then you can either post your and your siblings/parents or spouse/children's scores in the thread below or message them to my profile if you feel more comfortable doing that.

As I stated before, this does constitute a large part of my grade in this class so it'd be great if you guys would participate. The report is due on Friday the 11th so if you guys could do this for me by Monday that would be great.

Thanks everyone.

(I hope asking people to do this isn't against the forum rules or anything)

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