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Question about Downranking in Fates


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Okay, so I am trying to use my Dread Scroll/Ebon Wing on one of my units and I ran into confusion. This unit is at a basic level 20 (No class promotions yet). When I use the scroll/wing on the unit she stays a level 20. Even more confusing is when I promote the unit with a master seal (to get her back to level 1). But when I used the scroll/wing after her getting her to a level 1 advanced class, she promoted to level 21 instead.

Even though the unit retains her level, is there any way to get the skills Even Keel and Iron Will which are learned at level 1 and 10 respectively? Is there a way to get the unit back to a pure level 1 so I can start at a level 1 Dread Fighter/ Dark Flier?

Btw, I'm still on my first playthrough of the game and I don't quite get the promotion system fully.

Edited by FujinRaijin
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So lets say I go to other advanced classes, and max out on the levels in those classes then promote via the Scroll and then the Ebon Wing.

Will I max out in the Dark Flier class with all the skills of the advanced classes, the Dread Fighter, and the Dark Flier?

Edited by FujinRaijin
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tl;dr version - Dread Fighter, Dark Falconer, Lodestar, Great Lord, and Songstress are special classes that go from 1-40 instead of 1-20 twice like every other class. Vanguard, Grandmaster, Ballistician, and Witch (when we get them) also fall under this category.

Long version - Classes like Dread Fighter are unique in that they belong to their own "tier" as it were.

How it works is that you have Tier 1 which is 1-20, and then you promote to Tier 2, which in effect is, at Level 1, as theoretically strong as a Level 21 Tier 1 unit (if such a thing existed - it doesn't, sadly).

When you reclass, you only change the class path you belong to, but any tier you were in you will effectively stay in (e.g. reclassing from T1 Nohr Prince to T1 Mercenary is still T1).

However, Dread Fighter is unique because it is effectively a Tier EX - it goes from Level 1 all the way to Level 40 (think a Tier 2 unit with 4 Eternal Seals attached).

Azura is one such unit that starts out in this special class of tier. As a Songstress, she's not limited to the initial 1-20 then promote path that other characters are required to progress through.

As a rule of thumb, Tier EX units are treated as Tier 1 until they hit Level 20, then from 21-40 they are treated as Tier 2 units.

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So lets say I go to other advanced classes, and max out on the levels in those classes then promote via the Scroll and then the Ebon Wing.

Will I max out in the Dark Flier class with all the skills of the advanced classes, the Dread Fighter, and the Dark Flier?

I'm having a little trouble understand, but I'll give it my best shot.

Let's say you promote to Nohr Noble, then get that to level 20. This means you have all skills of this class line, and you acquired these 'naturally.' Using the Scroll at this point, you will change to a Level 40 Dread Fighter. You will not receive any skills at this point, and because of how class-changing and skill acquirement work, you instead will have to gain 4 more levels in order to acquire the Dread Fighter skills. This is only possible through an Eternal Seal, available through a Level 3 vendor for about 12000G IIRC, which will raise your level cap an additional 5 levels for each you use. Again changing class using the Ebon Wing will get you to a Level 44 Dark Flier. You will then have to get a further 4 levels to acquire every skill in this class line.

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