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Physical copies and how having both would affect gameplay

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I've seen a question on Miiverse asking about how having both games as physical copies would affect your gameplay in any way. Such as anyone being able to access a "Branch of Fate" from Conquest while having beaten the game on Birthright, or vice-versa. In that discussion linked in the URL seen here, I see someone saying that it's possible. But is it really? As soon as I saw that statement, this has been kinda bugging me.

Any insight on whether anything would carry over from physical copies or not?

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I have both physical versions. All DLC you purchase can be played on either physical card and carries over. Not sure whether that will apply to Revelations or not but I do know that whatever card you do download it on apparently adds three save files to that card. Branch of fate does not carry over so in order to play the Hoshido path you have to play it on the Hoshido card and vice versa for Nohr. Weirdly enough you can load battle saves from different physical versions. I don't know why but you can.

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I have both physical copies; I had Hoshido a week before I had Nohr. I made it to chapter 12 or so in Hoshido before I booted up the Nohr Copy, and Branch of Fate was an option with the same avatar I used in Hoshido ((I wanted to do the first 5 chapters again anyway though so I didn't use it)). So it's recognizing that I have both copies to some extent. The game doesn't let me download any of the path bonuses though, and it doesn't show up on the cards that I own both. I'm not really worried about it. I can go without Ebon Wings. The only thing I haven't decided is which copy to put Revelations on.

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