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Who makes the best Lodestar/Great Lord and when should you promote them into said classes?


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I haven't used either class yet myself, so I can't speak to specifics, but I invaded a guy's castle a couple days ago, and he had his Corrin sitting on the throne paired with a high level Great Lord Oboro equipped with a forged parasol, so she could attack from 1 or 2 spaces, and I threw everything I had at it, and couldn't do a thing. Not a single thing. Defense and Res were so high I wasn't making a dent, and she was auto-healing the majority of the tiny bit of damage I was doing each turn through a skill, I didn't look to see which. Nearly killed her through attrition using a combination of poison and shelter to get my Kaze out of the way each turn so she couldn't attack me on her turn, but I made a silly mistake and she ended up killing him, and once that was done there was literally nothing I could do but surrender. So at the very least, I've seen Oboro make a hell of a Great Lord.

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