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Skill Builds for the Nohr Royals?

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Just curious about skill builds for Camilla, Elise, Xander, and Leo for PVP. I have a pretty traditional Quixotic build on my Great Lord Selena, but I'm curious about these other characters. Do they generally want:

Two Procs (Rend Heaven, Luna, Astra, or Sol)

A Damage inflicting or increasing passive (Death blow or Savage blow)

A faire in the character's chosen weapon

Vantage or Replicate

If running Quixotic, then another proc over the faire.... What do healing characters like Elise, Felicia, and Flora want? I had thought about giving Flora Counter and Magic Counter for use with her ability.

If someone has builds for Leo, Elise, Camilla, or Xander, and any of their retainers, please let me know :)

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The following is all personal opinion, so I could be wrong in places. I also don't like reclassing that much, so the siblings are still in their usual class, but do have other class skills.

Camilla (Wyvern Lord/Malig Knight):


Trample/Death Blow/Quixotic


Air Superiority

Warding Blow/Tomebreaker

Basically Camilla would act as an anti-mage and flying unit. If you get Trample over Death Blow, she'll also be better against non-mounted units. Giving her a Hammer can also help against Effie and other Generals. Bowbreaker helps since Hinoka's special skill is enemy only, though it doesn't prevent OHKOs from bows. Aegis could help lower bow damage, but it's Skill % based, so it won't always work. If you prefer Aegis, get Quixotic to boost the chances of it procing. Warding Blow and Tomebreaker help against pesky magic users since even Malig Knights don't have that good of resistance and can still get hurt pretty badly.

Leo (Sorcerer/Dark Knight)




Death Blow

Seal Resistance

Leo's personal skill helps most when defending in a castle with Dusk Dragon, so he's more for the defense side than Xander. Note that Counter, Death Blow, and Seal Resistance require Revelations since you need Rinkah to marry him (or you streetpass a lot instead). Vantage works well with Seal Resistance to really get the most out of the lowered stat. Heartseeker is for low accuracy tomes like Mjolnir and Odin's Grimoire. Death Blow is to make Mjolnir crit even more.

Elise (Maid/Strategist)

Amaterasu/Air Superiority

Armored Blow/Countermagic




Rather basic healer/supporter, the faire skill depends on if Maid (Shuriken) or Strategist (Tome). Armored Blow helps since Elise's resistance as a Strategist is ridiculously high. Though it's good to have Countermagic on standby in case the enemy has more magic users. Give her Festals for the 1-2 range, Freeze and Enfeeble, and either Flame Shuriken or a tome. You can use Amaterasu for more concentrated formations or Air Superiority to help against flying units that seek to rush at her immediately.

Xander (Paladin/Great Knight)






Works as both a pair up support for a Nohrian Trust user and as a stand alone. Aether is preferred, but not available just yet (need Vanguard class), so for now use either Luna for offense or Sol for defense. Vantage is pretty standard helpfulness, but requires Revelations again for Ryoma's A+. Renewal requires Revelations as well to marry Sakura. Otherwise, look around streetpass (or here) for people who could help.

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You could definitely give Xander Quixotic instead of Vantage or Renewal if you wanted more proc rate. I just chose Vantage since it's amazing, and Renewal to keep Xander alive.

For Camilla I find it better to just give her flat out bonuses over procs since her role is mostly to fly in, break stuff, then fly out.

Elise shouldn't see combat as much as the others, so Miracle is good enough.

Leo benefits more from debuffing your enemies since his personal skill focuses on increasing his damage when his target is injured. Plus Mjolnir deals 4x damage on crits, so having a proc skill would be mostly overkill if it did proc.

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