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Chapter 12 Birthright Xander (Lunatic)

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Is it possible to beat the chapter taking him head on instead of fleeing?

How did you guys deal with this guy? With 40+ HP and 32 DEF nothing seems to even scratch him. I'm doing a no grind run so my characters are all still level 15ish (and unpromoted). Even Takumi does 0 damage to him =.=

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You don't have to fight him at all, but a strong enough Corrin (+str or mag) can probably destroy him. There's also his 11 resistance, but your tome users needs to be able to survive the counter.

Garon does look a lot more problematic.

Edited by Espinosa
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My Corn was str screwed for a +str so I noped the fuck out. My most durable unit with highest damage has wtd on him.

I think a +str Ninja corn can probably do him in the easiest--WTA, fast but still hits hard, and there's always poison strike.

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^Unfortunately I did +DEF (and I could only survive 1 hit of his counter) -LUK with Lancer talent. I think I'm screwed. I guess I could just try to avoid him but curious as to how people actually manage to take him down.

On the other hand, tome wielders deal 10ish damage to him and can't survive a counter.

Edited by paradiselost999
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It's really unnecessary and you don't need the exp even in lunatic nogrind. Leaving is the more painless option.

Definitely needs more setup and really should only be attempted by people with really buff Corns.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I had my spear fighter with guard naginata tank him at a choke point. Seal defense works wonders. Tank until guard gauge fills, attack, rinse and repeat. Burst him with magics when he gets low enough.

EDIT: based Oboro carried my team that chapter.

Edited by Aegisoflove
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I had my spear fighter with guard naginata tank him at a choke point. Seal defense works wonders. Tank until guard gauge fills, attack, rinse and repeat. Burst him with magics when he gets low enough.

EDIT: based Oboro carried my team that chapter.

Oboro with guard naginata #1

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First off, in Birthright Chapter 12 (Hoshido route on any version), no one should challenge King Garon unless they have severely grinded to cap and promote certain units or have grinded and leveled up Amiibos or are using Streetpass characters. The reason is that although Garon doesn't even budge from his position, he can decimate just about any opposition. Dragonskin will halve all damage he takes (battle damage) and will reduce damage from offensive skills such as Aether, Astra, Luna, Ignis, Sol, Vengeance and Dragon Fang by 50%. Dragonskin will also negate your Lethality and Counter/Counter Magic as well as preventing Garon from being affected by any debuffs such as poison and will nullify critical-hit that he would take. Dragonskin also halves the debuff affect from 'Seal' skills.

Regarding Xander, Obroro is definitely one of your better options on taking him on if you managed to promote her before this chapter if you got her to attack directly. Otherwise a Great Knight with Luna can attempt to 1 or 2-TKO Xander if possible.

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I didn't promote any of my units until chapter 16ish. Guard naginata Oboro paired with Silas or Rinkah was enough to survive.... After the damage reduction skill of sakura.

Impressive, most of us could probably take care of Xander and beat him somehow without promoting. Garon would murder anyone who isn't promoted and at a very high level (with extremely high stats) due to his stats, skills and his ABSURDLY BROKEN Axe which has a range of 1-3 and has stupidly high hit and attack power. I tried to deal with Garon on my Easy Save File using a Lvl 5 Swordmaster Corrin using a +2 Steel Sword to see how things would turn out, didn't turn out so well even with the high stats my Male Corrin had at that time.

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