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I think that we have how Caeldori's Prodigy skill works wrong


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Copied from a post I made on GameFAQs:

I wrote:

I was just playing one of the paralogues and I had re-classed Caeldori into a Sorcerer.

Her stats (the ones relevant to us here) included 18 STR, 21 Mag, B-tomes, Prodigy and Quick Draw among her skill lists, and fighting a Fighter who had 20 Str and 7 Res. She had an 11 Might forged Thunder +3 equipped. She was not in pair-up or attack stance. The enemy was on a plains. It was on my player phase .

Now, in the past, our understanding of Prodigy was that it was comparing the highest of the enemy's stats vs. the corresponding value of Caeldori's stats.

So, in the example above, Caeldori's Prodigy should have triggered. 20 Str on the enemy > 18 STR on Caeldori, after all.

But that's not what happened.

When I was looking at the pre-battle damage cacluatlions, I saw a prediction of 31 damage, and I realized something was wrong with my understanding of how Prodigy worked. It was 4 points too lower damage compared to what I thought would be happening.

21 Mag + 1 Attack from B-tomes + 11 Might from the tome + 1 Attack from weapon triangle + 4 damage from Prodigy + 4 damage from Quick Draw = 42 overall attack power.

42 attack power vs. 7 Res should have been 35 damage.

But instead, the prediction was for 31 damage.



Prodigy ACTUALLY looks at simply what the highest attack stats for each of the characters in question is, without caring whether they are matching stats. If the foe's highest stat is strength, it doesn't restrict it to comparing against Caeldori's strength: it looks at whatever of her stats is higher, Strength or Magic.

Now, this is the in-game localized description:


​Deals +4 dog to foes with Str/Mag > this unit's Str or Mag (whichever is higher)

This is what SerenesForest says right now at http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/hoshidan-characters/personal-skills/


At the start of the battle, if the enemy’s Strength or Magic (whichever is highest) is higher than Caeldori’s corresponding stat, damage +4

If anyone would like to double check just to make sure I haven't overlooked something and to verify that Prodigy actually works like I now think it does, that would be great. If I turn out to be correct, we might want to make a correction to the description we use for the skill on Serenes.

I hope I was helpful here….

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I mean, it makes sense it would work that way.

Just to triple check you should test as a dark knight, or malig knight, etc. A class with access to STR weapons and tomes to see if it goes based off of weapon or class

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To my knowledge it compares the stats that Caeldori is using for attacking, like if you are using a Silver Naginata and you have 28 STR it will activate as long as your enemy is above 28, and if you use a Bolt Naginata and your MAG is 27 it will activate as long as your enemy is above 27.

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I think you need to test the Sorcerer Caeldori against a similar unit that has at least 22 Strength and less than 21 Magic. This way, we will know whether the game compares Caeldori's highest stat (magic) with the enemy's highest stat (strength) or the stat that corresponds with Caeldori's highest stat (magic). In this example, whether Prodigy activates or not will give the solution. If it does not activate, then we know that it is comparing Caeldori's high stat with the corresponding stat of the enemy (21 > enemy's magic). However, if it does activate, then it compares both units' highest stats (21 magic < 22 strength).

If I had to guess which one is correct, I would guess the same stat result (highest stat compared with corresponding stat). This just makes more sense logically and, from what I can tell, matches the in-game text (which obviously wasn't written well enough).

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