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Hello, I always thought about making an account here, but never got around to it till now. Is this site pretty active? I'll probably try be active since I have a lot of questions constantly on my mind, but I never ask people. One is like.. Does Fates use just about every battlefield for the same games, like do they always fight on the same battlefields? the only different ones I can think of are the deeprealms and that one place in Nohr with the thousands of potions. Also, is it easier to just get your children early? Or get them as quick as you can and grind for their skills throughout the game or just buy them?

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Hi there! Welcome to the Forest and have a good time!

I'll answer some of your questions here:

- About... one-third? Maybe less of the game has shared maps. Each has a different objective, of course.

- Depends on the kid. I hear it's better to get Shiro and Ignatius (or whatever Benny's sons name is) earlier than the rest. Otherwise, it's really just your own choice.

Hoped this help!

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Welcome to the community, TranscendentOdinDark!

I'm still trying to figure things out about Fates myself, especially when it comes to the children.

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