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So what do you look for in when changing class?

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Hey there!

So, class change. It's changed quite a bit with all the new seals. A bit daunting at first (well, at least for me) but I do feel it's an interesting change with all the potential options. And yet, with the ability to buy skills from other players (something I love) I have to wonder how many of those options are worth the time. Why bother becoming a Maid/Butler if you can just buy tomebreaker off of someone? With skills so easy to buy, it seems silly to plan class change around them in this gen. So what then? Does flight equal right for you? Or max stats?

Honestly, I'm not sure what to aim for in this gen. As interesting as the options are, the system feels a bit too cluttered, clunky even. Just my opinion really, and every vet knows PEMN. Yet I find myself with level 17-18 characters getting ready to soon promote, and feel overwhelmed with options... that don't seem to mean as much anymore. Maybe I'm just burnt out, but with everyone being able to be anything, it doesn't feel as important.

Anywho, that's me. I'm looking for your input, your ideas, your experiences. What do you look for in class changing? With any luck someone can inspire my unmotivated butt into gear ;)

Thanks for reading!

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I usually go for classes I like or think fit that unit. Since reclassing was added, I like to take some of my units on detours to fix their weaknesses with classes that have better growths in them. Now in Fates, it's a combination of growths + skills, and then usually back to something with their initial weapon rank.

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